ARIES (March 21-April 19) Jupiter and Saturn in their last passage from your 11th house for balance of this year may bring extra opportunities and benefits through friends and family circle. You may work hard to get all benefits of this lucky cycle which may not be repeated for next 12 years. Venus will continue its stay in your 10th house until March 6, 2022 to accelerate your progress in business, profession and job until that date. Women of this sign may wear any kind of diamond for extra good luck. People connected with jewelry businesses may take extra risks and responsibilities for extra benefits of this lucky cycle. Sun, Mars and Mercury may caution you to take care of your health until November 22 with good medical advice. TAURUS (April 20-May 21) Sun, Mercury and Mars combination in your seventh house until November 22 will continue to help you to same degree in your family and marriage life. Mars will be very powerful by sign to protect your happiness in spite of some unwanted aggravations and misunderstandings in family affairs. You may stay calm and sober in above matters. Mars will bring more happiness from November 23 through December 13. Venus will continue to shower its blessings in general until March 6, 2022. Your immigration matters will be resolved in your favor before that date. Your overseas trip cannot be ruled out before that date. Jupiter and Saturn will keep your business, profession, and job in good shape and progress for the balance of this year. Your self-esteem will touch high marks. You may take full advantage of this lucky cycle not to be repeated for next 12 years. Moon cycle from November 18 through 25 will prove lucky for personal progress, finance and domestic affairs. GEMINI (May 22- June 21) Full moon falling in your first house on November 19 will bring new vision and direction for your personal progress and personal affairs until December 4. Good and lucky time to rearrange your priorities for maximum benefits of this lucky period. Mars, Sun and Mercury combination until November 22 may caution you to take care of your health with due care and diligence. Your business, profession and job-related progress may be average to good. Venus may puzzle you in social matters until March 6, 2022. You may not enjoy social parties. People suffering from diabetes may take extra care of their health. Your spouse’s finance will show positive cashflow. Jupiter and Saturn will help you in general until December 29. Moon cycle from November 12 through 17 will prove lucky for communications, business and social affairs. CANCER (June 22- July 21) Sun, Mars and Mercury combination until November 22 may help you to some extent in entertainment and investment purposes. People connected with art, music and other entertainments may have to work hard to maintain their income level. Your kids may displease you to some extent. Venus will continue its blessings for happy and harmonious family and marriage life. Venus is a significator of this house may create powerful cycle for your happiness until March 6, 2022. You may take full advantage of this lucky cycle not to be repeated in next 12 months. Jupiter and Saturn combination may caution you to take care of your health for the balance of this year. Moon cycle November 13 through 19 will prove as grace of God for you. LEO (July 22- Aug. 21) Sun, Mars and Mercury combination in your fourth house until November 22 may bring mix bag of results for domestic affairs and you may feel aggravated for small and unimportant matters. You may stay calm and sober in above matters for good final outcome. Your elderly family members may experience some health problems. Jupiter and Saturn will keep your family and marriage life under lucky stars until December 29. Your partnership business will progress slowly but surely. Venus may caution you to take care of your health until March 6, 2022. You may avoid social parties for your good health. Moon cycle from November 15 through 22 will prove lucky and progressive in general. VIRGO (Aug. 22- Sept. 21) Full moon falling in your 10th house on November 19 will accelerate your progress in business, profession, and job until December 4. You may take full advantage of this lucky cycle by taking extra risks and responsibilities in above matters. Politicians and social workers will enjoy good limelight. Venus will let you enjoy good social life and entertainment until March 6, 2022. You may gain through stock market and other reasonably risky investments. People connected with any and all types of entertainments will have busy and profitable schedule. Good chances of love affairs and new addition in family. Sun, Mars and Mercury will help you in short-term travel and sweet bonding with relatives until November 22. You may feel luck smiling on you occasionally. Moon cycle from November 18 through 24 will prove lucky and progressive in general. LIBRA (Sept. 22- Oct. 21) Sun, Mars and Mercury combination in your second house until November 22 may caution you to be conservative and calculative in your financial affairs until that date. Mars will be very powerful by sign to protect you to some extent during this period. Mars will bring good luck in financial affairs from November 23 through December 13. Your Sign Lord will continue its blessings until March 6, 2022 for domestic affairs and mental peace. Your mother and other elderly family members will enjoy good health. Women of this sign may wear any kind of diamond for extra good luck. Venus will get more activated for good luck by good dress up and etiquette. Jupiter and Saturn will play their part for the balance of this year for good entertainment and gain through investments. Moon cycle from November 20 through 25 will prove lucky and progressive in general. SCORPIO (Oct.22- Nov.21) Your Sign Lord Mars in combination with Sun and Mercury will bring new vigor and energy in your personal progress and personal affairs until November 23. Mars will continue its journey in your first house until December 13 to bring extra good luck for above matters. You may avoid unwanted aggravations for small and unimportant matters for your good progress. Venus will continue its blessings until March 6, 2022 for short-term travel and sweet bonding with your relatives. Your relatives will extend helping hands in time of your need. Your overseas travel cannot be rules out before the end of this lucky cycle. Jupiter and Saturn will keep your domestic affairs and mental peace under good stars until December 29. People connected with any and all types of real estate businesses will have positive cashflow before the year is out. Moon cycle from November 23 to 25 will prove lucky in general. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22- Dec. 22) Full moon falling in your seventh house on November 19 will bring happy and joyous events in your family and marriage life until December 4. Good and lucky time for partnership business. Good and lucky time for family vacation and outings. Venus will shower its blessings for your financial success until March 6, 2022. You may take extra risks and responsibilities in stock market and other investments. Sun, Mars and Mercury may keep your expenses on higher side until November 22. You may stay away from law authorities and legal matters. Jupiter and Saturn will play important roles in keeping your social ties in good shape. You may take good advantage of this lucky cycle until end of this year. Moon cycle from November 12 through 17 will prove lucky for short-term travel, domestic affairs and entertainments. CAPRICORN (Dec. 23- Jan. 19) Jupiter and Saturn combination in your second house for the balance of this year and may bring extra opportunities for your financial success. You may take extra risks and responsibilities in your stock market and other investments for extra benefits. You may pay off your debts before the end of this cycle which may not be repeated for next 12 years. Venus will continue to shower its blessings for your personal progress and personal affairs until March 6, 2022. Women of this sign may wear any kind of diamond and dress up good for more benefits from this cycle. Venus gets more activated and beneficial by good etiquette and cleanliness. Mars, Sun and Mercury will continue to help you gain through friends and family circle until November 22. Moon cycle from November 12 through 19 will prove lucky and progressive in general. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20- Feb. 19) Sun, Mars and Mercury combination in your 10th house until November 22 may caution you to stay calm and sober in your business, profession and job. Sun and Mars combination may create unwanted aggravations for small and unimportant matters. Your self-esteem will achieve high marks. Venus will continue to keep your expenses on higher side until March 6, 2022. You may avoid impulsive buying for your good financial health. Jupiter and Saturn will continue to help you in your personal progress and personal affairs until the balance of this year. You may rearrange your personal priorities for optimum use of this lucky period. Moon cycle from November 12 through 22 will prove lucky for finance, domestic affairs and entertainments. PISCES (Feb. 20- March 20) Full moon falling in your fourth house on November 19 will bring new era of domestic happiness and mental peace until December 4. You will be able to reshape your domestic agenda to make good decisions for your family and yourself. Your elderly family members may enjoy good health. Sun, Mars and Mercury will continue to help you in long distance communications, religion and foreign affairs until November 22. Venus will continue its blessings for more benefits through friends and social circles until March 6, 2022. You may expand your social network for your personal benefits. Moon cycle from November 13 through 24 will prove lucky for personal progress, finance and entertainments.