Your Stars March 9 – March 23

Your Stars March 9 – March 23


Aries (March 21 – April 19) Jupiter to travel in retrograde motion in your 8th house from March 8 through July 10 may make you get aggravated and frustrated for small and unimportant matters. Your presence may go unnoticed in social parties. Jupiter’s good hold in your second, fourth and 12th house may bring mix bag of results for income and expenses. Your domestic affairs may show slow progress. Please take care of your health till July 10. Venus and Mercury in your first house may bring some relief in your daily routine till May 13. Moon cycle from March 9 through 15 will prove lucky for religion and business. Taurus (April 20 – May 21) Jupiter’s retrograde motion starting from March 8 through July 10 in your seventh house may create some discord and unhappy moments in your family and marriage life. Your partnership business may show some slow progress. Jupiter’s strong hold on your first, third and 11th house may show some slow progress in health, social affairs and short term travelling. Jupiter may slow down all your progress but it will not be halted. Venus and Mercury in your 12th house (tilt your expenses on higher side till May 13). Please watch your expense till this date. Moon cycle from March 11 through 17 will prove lucky for religion, business, and social affairs. Gemini (May 22 – June 21) Jupiter to go in retrograde motion in your sixth house from March 8 through July 10 may caution you to take care of your health and avoid carelessness for any health problems. People suffering from blood pressure and hyper tension should pay extra attention to their health. Jupiter’s good hold in your second, 10th and 12th house may show slow progress in finance, business and some legal matters. You should watch your expenses to avoid financial problems. Venus and Mercury in your 11th house till May 13 may help you gain through friend and social circles. Moon cycle from March 13 through 20 will prove lucky for religion, business, and social affairs. Cancer (June 22 – July 21) Jupiter passing through your fifth house in retrograde motion from March 8 through July 10 may slow down your entertainment schedule and other businesses connected with entertainments. People connected with art and music may suffer some financial losses. Please be selective in your financial investments. Jupiter’s good hold on your ninth, first and 11th house may see slow progress in religion, foreign affairs, health and social affairs. Your progress may be slow but it will not be halted. Venus and Mercury in your 10th house may help in business, profession and job related progress till May 13. Moon cycle from March 16 through 22 will prove lucky for religion, business and social affairs. Leo (July 22- Aug. 21) Jupiter sitting in your fourth house will move in retrograde motion from March 8 through July 10 may perturb your domestic happiness and mental peace. Your mother’s health may disturb your domestic affairs. People connected with real estate may notice some slow progress. Jupiter’s strong control over your fifth, seventh and ninth house may disturb your social, family and religious affairs to some degree during its retrograde cycle. Venus and Mercury in your ninth house will make you feel lucky till May 13. You may end up buying big ticket item. Moon cycle March 18 through 22 will prove lucky in general. Virgo (Aug. 22 – Sept. 21) Jupiter will be passing through your third house from March 8 through July 10 in retrograde motion and may slow down your progress in short term travel, communications and social relationships. Your progress will be slow but will not be halted. Jupiter’s good command over your seventh, ninth and 11th house may show some slow progress in family, religion and social affairs. Please do not make any important decisions in above matters. Venus and Mercury in your eighth house till May 13 may cation you to take care of your health. Moon cycle from March 8 through 12 will prove lucky through 12 will prove lucky for domestic affairs and entertainments. Libra (Sept. 22 - Oct. 22) Jupiter passing through your second house in retrograde motion from March 8 through July 10 may slow down your financial progress and may make you work harder to make some amount of money. Good time to reshape and rearrange your financial priorities to avoid financial losses. Jupiter’s strong hold on your fifth, seventh and ninth house may also affect your entertainment, family life and religious progress. Your foreign affairs and immigration matters may get delayed till July 10. Mercury and Venus in your seventh house may offset some of the family and marriage problems created by Jupiter till May 13. Moon cycle from March 9 through 15 will help you in short term travel, domestic affairs and entertainments. Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Jupiter shifting in retrograde motion in your first house form March 8 through July 10 will bring some changes in your daily routine. You may experience some slow progress in your personal progress. Jupiter’s good hold in your fifth, seventh and ninth house may see some slow progress in entertainment, family life and communications. Your overall progress will slow down to some extent but it will not be halted. Mercury and Venus in your sixth house caution you to take care of your health till May 13 when Mercury exits your sixth house. Moon cycle from March 9 through 17 will prove lucky for finance, domestic affairs and entertainments. Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 22) Jupiter sitting in your 12th house moving in retrograde motion from March 8 through July 10 may bring more unseen and unexpected expenses to worsen your financial balance sheet. Please be extra careful about your expenses till that date. Please avoid all legal and contractual work during this time. Jupiter’s strong control over your fourth, sixth and eighth house may upset your domestic affairs and health. Please watch your medial expense till July 10. Venus and Mercury in your fifth house will keep your entertainment calendar full of joyous events. Moon cycle from March 9 through 20 will prove lucky for personal progress, travelling and entertainments. Capricorn (Dec. 23 –Jan. 19) Jupiter passing through your 11th house in retrograde motion from March 8 through July 10 may reduce your gain through friends and social circles. People connected with any and all type of hospitality business may see some downfall in their income. Please be calm and sober in social circle to avoid aggravation. Jupiter’s strong hold on your third, fifth and seventh house may affect your travelling, entertainments, and family life to some extents. Venus and Mercury in your fourth house may help you in domestic affairs, and enjoy more mental peace. Moon cycle from March 11 through 22 may prove lucky for personal progress and entertainments. Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Jupiter sitting in your 10th house will shift in retrograde motion from March 8 through July 10 will slow down your progress in business, profession and job related progress. You may see deferred or delayed actions in above matters which may result in less gain or benefits. Politicians and social workers may see some road blocks in their daily routines. Jupiter’s strong hold on your second, fourth and sixth house will create some slow progress in finance, domestic affairs and your health. Venus and Mercury in your third house will prove lucky for short term travel, communications, and cordial relationships with relatives till May 13. Moon cycle from March 13 through 22 will prove lucky for finance. Travelling, domestic life and entertainments. Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Jupiter passing through your ninth house in retrograde motion from March 8 through July 10 may affect your long distance communications, foreign affairs and religious progress to some extends. All the above matters may slow down but will not be halted. Your immigration matters may be delayed till July 10. All the above matters will bring positive results before the year is out. Venus and Mercury in your second house may bring financial good news before May 13. Your reasonable financial risks will bring positive cash flow. Moon cycle from March 9 through 12 will prove lucky for business, profession and social affairs. By Nitin Bhatt 630-660-8470 -- Email:

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