Aries (March 21 - April 19) Sun sitting in your first house till April 20 will motivate you in your personal affairs and personal progress. You will feel fountain of energy in your daily routine. Please reset your priorities for optimum results. Saturn and Mars together in your 10th house till May 17 will bring good luck in area of business, profession and job related matters. People connected with politics and social work will have busy and profitable schedule. Saturn and Mars are extremely powerful by sign and should be able to create very powerful cycle to give you positive results. Moon cycle from March 23 through 28 will prove lucky for travelling, domestic affairs and entertainments. Taurus (April 20 – May 21) Saturn and Mars combination in your ninth house till May 17 will prove lucky for religions, long distance communications and foreign affairs. Saturn and Mars are very powerful by sign and should be able to create very powerful results in above matters. Overseas travel cannot be ruled out during this period. Your immigration matters will bring happy endings. Sun passing through your 12th house till April 20 will prove expensive on your pocket. Please budget your expenses to avoid negative financial cycle. Jupiter will keep your family happiness at good level. Moon cycle from March 23 through 30 will prove lucky for finance, domestic affairs and entertainments. Gemini (May 22 – June 21) Sun passing through your 11th house till April 20 will prove lucky for social affairs and social happiness. People connected with any and all types of hospitality business will flourish during this powerful transit of Sun. Saturn and Mars combination in your eighth house will bring mix bag of results for your health. You may end up working hard for less gain. Your spouse finance will show positive cash flow. Jupiter in your sixth house caution you to take care of your health. Your business, profession and job related progress will be slow but certain. Moon cycle from March 23 through April 1 will prove lucky for personal progress and finance. Cancer (June 22 – July 21) Sun passing through your 10th house till April 20 will elevate your self-esteem your social status will score positive points. Sun being exalted in this sign will be able to create very powerful cycle to give you positive results in above matters. Your business, profession and job related progress will be to your satisfaction. Saturn and Mars combination in your seventh house will prove lucky for marriage and family happiness till May 17. Saturn and Mars are very powerful by sign and should be able to create very powerful cycle to give you positive results in above matters. Good time for partnership business. Moon cycle from March 27 through April 4 will prove lucky for finance, domestic affairs and entertainments. Leo (July 22 – Aug.21) Sun passing through your ninth house till April 20 will prove as grace of god for religion, communications and foreign affairs. All your religious work will gain good recognition. Your communication may bring slow and delayed results but it will be positive. Saturn and Mars in your sixth house till May 17 may bring mix bag of results in health, business, profession and job related progress. Your competitors will not be able to harm you. Mars and Saturn are very powerful by sign and will create powerful cycle for above matters. Moon cycle from March 29 through April 5 will prove lucky for finance and entertainments. Virgo (Aug. 22 – Sept.21) Saturn and Mars combination in your fifth house till May 17 may bring good luck in your entertainment world and other investment related matters. People connected with any and all types of entertainment business will flourish without extra efforts. Good and lucky time for stock market and other investment purposes. Saturn and Mars are both very powerful by sign and will create very powerful cycle for above matters. Your kids will progress as per your wish. Sun sitting in your eighth house till April 20 caution you to take care of your health with due care. Moon cycle form March 23 through 26 will prove lucky for business and social happiness. Libra (Sept. 22 – Oct. 22) Sun sitting in your seventh house till April 20 will bring happy and harmonious events in your family and marriage life. Good time for partnership business. Sun being exalted in this sign will be able to create very positive cycle for your happiness. Mars and Saturn both passing through your fourth house will be sign of good luck for domestic affairs and mental happiness. You will feel in control of your surroundings. Mars and Saturn are very powerful by sign and should be able to create very powerful cycle to help you in above matters. Moon cycle form March 23 through 28 will prove lucky for religion, business, and social gatherings. Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov.21) Mars and Saturn combination in your third house till May 17 will prove lucky for communications, short term travel and cozy relationships with your relatives. Saturn and Mars are considered very powerful by house and sign and will be able to create very powerful cycle to give you positive results in above matters. Sun sitting in your sixth house caution you to take care of your health till April 20. Your business, profession and job related progress will be average to good. Jupiter guarding your first house will come to your help in time of need. Moon cycle form March 25 through 30 will prove lucky for religion, business and social affairs. Sagittarius (Nov.22 – Dec. 22) Saturn and Mars combination in your second house will prove lucky for financial matters. Your financial balance sheet will show positive cash flow before May 17. Mars and Saturn are very powerful by sign and should be able to create very powerful cycle to give you positive results in your financial fortune. Please take extra risk in financial matters if your resources permit. Sun passing through your fifth house till April 20 will keep your entertainment calendar full of happy and joyous events. Good time for stock market investments. Jupiter in your 12th house will keep draining on your pocket slowly but surely. Moon cycle form March 27 through April 1 will prove lucky in general. Capricorn (Dec.23 – Jan.19) A very powerful and lucky combination of Mars and Saturn in your first house till May 17 will bring good opportunities for your personal progress and personal affairs. Please take advantage of this lucky cycle not to be repeated in next few years. Sun passing through your fourth house till April 20 will prove lucky for domestic affairs and mental peace. Sun is very powerful by sign and should be able to prove lucky for above matters. Jupiter in your 11th house will bring mix bag of results for social affairs till July 10. Your mother will enjoy good health. Moon cycle from March 29 through April 4 will prove lucky for religion, business and social happiness. Aquarius (Jan.20 – Feb.18) Sun passing through your third house till April 20 will prove lucky for short term travel, communications and happy social ties. Sun is very powerful by sign and will be able to help you in above matters. Mars and Saturn in your 12th house till May 17 may create negative financial cycle due to unexpected expenses in your budget. Please avoid all legal matters during this period. Mars and Saturn are very powerful by sign and may create some unexpected circumstances before Mars exit your 12th house. Please be careful about your all dealings till this date. Moon cycle from March 29 through April 5 will prove lucky for religion, business and social affairs. Pisces (Feb.19 – March 20) Sun sitting in your second house till April 20 may bring financial windfall in your financial fortune. Sun is very powerful by sign and should be able to create positive cash flow before that date. Good time to take extra risks in financial matters. Saturn and Mars combination in your 11th house will bring good social events in your daily routine before May 17.Satrun and Mars are very powerful by sign and should be able to create positive cycle for your gain through friends and social circles. People connected with any and all types of hospitality business will flourish during this time. Moon cycle from March 23 through 26 will prove lucky for domestic affairs and entertainments. Nitin Bhatt : 630-660-8470 :