Aries (March 21 – April 19) A very powerful transit of Jupiter through your seventh house will bring lots of joyous and happy events in your family as well as marriage before October 12. Good time for bachelors to tie knots with your loved one. Possibilities of new addition in family. Good time to start new partnership business. Jupiter’s benevolent aspect on your third as well as 11th house will bring good opportunities for short term travel and social affairs. Mercury, Mars and Sun combination in your fourth house may bring mix bag of results for domestic affairs and your mental peace. You may get perturb for small and unimportant matters till July 20. Moon cycle from June 20 through 27 will bring good financial opportunities and entertainments. Taurus (April 20 – May 21) Jupiter in direct motion in your sixth house till October 12 will help you gain through your business, profession and job related matters. You will have upper edge over your competitors. You will have better control over your old ailments. Jupiter’s good control over your second and 10th house may keep you in good financial health. Your status quo will be maintained. Mercury, Mars and Sun in your third house may bring mix bag of results for short term travel, communications and your relationship with your relatives. Please do not severe any good relationship before July 20. Saturn in eighth house till August 25 may keep you working hard on non-money making items. Moon cycle from June 20 through 29 will work favorably for personal progress, finance and entertainments. Gemini (May 22 – June 21) Jupiter getting in direct motion in your fifth house will bring lots of happy and joyous events in your social life. Your social and entertainment calendar will be full till October 12. People connected with any kind of entertainment business will have busy and profitable schedule without extra efforts. Jupiter’s lucky aspect on your ninth as well as first house will swing your luck and health in positive direction. You may feel luck smiling on you occasionally. You may likely to gain extra pounds before exit of Jupiter from Libra. Saturn may puzzle you till August 25 in family and marriage life but Jupiter will help you mitigate that situation till October 12. Moon cycle from June 22 through 29 will bring some good financial and travelling opportunities. Cancer (June 22 – July 21) Jupiter in very strong position sitting in your fourth house till October 12 will help you control your domestic environment very effectively and you may feel in control of your surroundings. You may enjoy good mental peace. Your mother will keep good health and her health may score positive if she is going through any health problems in last 6 months. Jupiter’s good control over your eighth and 12th house will prove lucky for your personal health. You may have some good control over your expenses. Venus in 11th house will keep your friends and social affairs in good shape. You may get some benefits through friends and family. Moon cycle form June 16 through 21 will prove lucky for religion, business and social affairs. Leo (July 21 – Aug. 21) Jupiter getting in direct motion in your third house and staying there till October 12 will help you enjoy short term travel, communications and amicable relationship with your relatives. Any and all business and non-business related travel will bring good luck. Overseas travel can’t be ruled out before October 12. Jupiter has good control over your seventh and 11th house will bring happy and joyous events in family and marriage life. Good time to tie knots with loved ones. You may gain through social circles. Mercury, Mars and Sun in your 12th house may drain heavily on your pockets till July 20. Please monitor your kid’s progress for better results till August 25. Moon cycle from June 18 through 23 will prove lucky for religious affairs, business and social affairs. Virgo (Aug. 22 – Sept. 22) Sun, Mars and Mercury in your 10th house till July 19 will keep your business, profession, and job related progress in moderate to good level. Mercury and Sun joining Mars in 11th house till July 20 will bring mix bag of events in friends and social circles. People connected with any kind of hospitality business will have to work too hard to maintain their income level. Saturn holding your fourth house till August 25 may bring some disturbances in your domestic affairs and you may stay mentally perturbed occasionally. You may hear sad news about older persons in your family. Jupiter will keep steady flow of money till October 12. Moon cycle from June 20 through 25 will prove lucky for religious affairs, business and social matters. Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Mercury, Mars and Sun combination in your 10th house may bring mix bag of results for your business, profession and job related progress till July 20. It is to your advantage not taking extra risks in your business, profession or job. Politicians and social workers will have to work hard to archive their goals. Venus in eighth house till July 5th may prove lucky for your spouse’s finance. You may end up working for non-money making items. Saturn in third house till Aug. 25th may create some sour relationship and misunderstandings with your relatives. Jupiter will be there to rescue out of any bad time till October 12 at last minute. Moon cycle from June 22 through 27 will prove lucky in general. You may end up getting good news from overseas. Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov.21) Mercury, Sun and Mars controlling your ninth house till July 20 may bring some good and some bad news for religious, communications and foreign affairs. Your immigration and other foreign affairs will bring good results at end due to very strong position of Sun in that house. Venus staying in your seventh house will keep you family and marriage life under good starts till July 5. Saturn may keep your financial progress at very slow motion till August 25. Please do not make new investment or financial planning till that date. You may suffer financial set back. Jupiter will come to your rescue for finance occasionally till October 12. Moon cycle form June 24 through 29 will prove lucky in general in your daily routine. Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Saturn controlling your first house in retrograde motion may slow you down in personal affairs and personal progress till August 25. You may have to work hard to achieve your goal. Saturn has a tendency of creating gloomy mood so please try to create cheerful and happy surroundings in your daily routine. Please cooperate with your spouse to make your marriage life happy and enduring. Mars, Mercury, and Sun staying in your eighth house may make you work hard till July 20. Venus staying in your sixth house till July 5 may caution you to control your eating and drinking habits in your social parties. Jupiter will help you in social affairs till October 12. Moon cycle from June 26 through 29 will prove lucky in general for religious and business. Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Mercury, Mars and Sun combination in your seventh house may bring some disruption in your family as well as marriage life. Some misunderstanding and miscommunication may create some discord for small and unimportant matters. It is to your advantage to stay calm and not take any important decisions in above matters till July 20. Venus to stay in your fifth house till July 5 will keep your entertainment calendar full of happy and joyous events. People connected with any kind of entertainments business will flourish without extra efforts. Saturn in 12th house till September 25 will keep draining on your pockets. Avoid any and all kinds of legal and contractual work decision till end of August to avoid massive losses. Moon cycle from June 16 through 21 will prove lucky for short term travel, domestic affairs and entertainments. Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Saturn in retrograde motion in your 11th house till August 25 may reduce your benefits through friends and social circles. You should be careful not to break any good bond of friendship or other social relations. People connected with any kind of hospitality business should work hard to maintain their income level. Sun, Mercury and Mars in your sixth house till July 20 caution you to take care of your health. Be wise and careful about your eating habits in social parties. Jupiter will help you maintain good health only to some extent till October 12. Moon cycle from June 16 through 23 will prove lucky for finance short term travelling and social parities. Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Jupiter in direct motion in your eighth house till October 12 will push your spouse’s finance in positive direction and you will be happy with her progress. Any type of old and lingering legacy related problems may bring happy ending for you before Jupiter exit Libra. Jupiter’s good control over your 12th house and fourth house will help you control your expenses and domestic environments. You will enjoy good mental peace. You may end up working hard on non-money making items. Mercury, Sun and Mars in your fifth house till July 20 may bring mix bag of results for entertainments and financial investments. It is to your advantage not to take any undue risks in stock market investments. Moon cycle from June 16 through 25 will prove lucky for finance, travelling and entertainments. NITIN BHATT -- Ph. # 630-660-8470