Your Stars : June 1 – June 14

Your Stars : June 1 – June 14


Aries (March 21 – April 19) Venus siting in your fourth house till June 13 will help you reshape your domestic affairs with ease and you will enjoy good amount of mental peace. You may buy big ticket items. Saturn still controlling your 10th house till September 6 promises slow and steady progress in business, profession and job related progress. Please do not take any extra risks in above matter till this date. Politicians and social workers should follow their routine without major changes. Sun will help you enjoy cozy relationships with relatives. Moon cycle from June 1 through 5 will prove lucky for business and social purposes. Taurus (April 20 – May 21) Sun controlling your second house till June 22 will give you good opportunities to make extra cash for your financial freedom. Jupiter will keep your family and marriage affairs in good shape. There may be some discord and discontent in your life but your final result will be happy. Do not break any partnership business to avoid losses. You may make good progress before the year is out. Saturn will help you slow and steady progress in religion, communications and foreign affairs. Your overall progress will be positive in above matters before the year is out. Moon cycle from June 1 through 7 will prove lucky and social happiness. Gemini (May 22 – June 21) Sun in your first house till June 22 will help you enjoy good and robust health. You will feel extra zeal and vigor in your daily routine. Good time to plan your personal agenda for your personal progress. Your family life and marriage life will be full of happy and joyous events till June 13. Good time for partnership business and other partnership dealings. Please watch your competitors and enemies in your business and personal life to avoid financial losses. You may win in end but please do not be careless. Your overall financial progress will be good. Moon cycle from June 3 through 10 will prove lucky in general. Cancer (June 22 – July 21) Venus controlling your first house will keep you in cheerful and gay mood till June 13. You may feel lazy and may fall behind in your schedule. Your expenses may stay on higher side if not properly monitored. Please take care of your eyes till June 22. Saturn may create some discord and misunderstanding till September 6 in your family and marriage life. Please avoid all important decisions till that date. Please do not break any partnership business to avoid losses. Jupiter will always come to your help in bad circumstances. Moon cycle June 6 through 12 will prove lucky for religion, business and social affairs. Leo (July 22 – August 21) Sun in your 11th house till June 22 will help you gain through friends and social circles. Good time to expand your friend and social circle for your personal gain. People connected with any and all types of hospitality business will have busy and profitable schedule. Please watch your expenses all the time till June 13 to avoid financial meltdown. Please watch your health for chromic problems. Your business, profession and job related progress will be slow but certain. Jupiter will keep your domestic affairs under good control. You will be able to enjoy mental peace. Moon cycle from June 8 through 14 will prove lucky in general. Virgo (August 22 – Sept.21) Sun gracing your 10th house till June 22 will help you in business, profession and job related progress. People connected with politics and social work will get good recognition for their work. Good time to take extra risks and responsibilities in your business, profession and job related matters. Venus will help you enjoy good social status and benefits. Mars caution you to take care of health till August 13. Saturn may help you to some extent in entertainment and investment purposes till September 6. Your expenses may stay at high level for rest of this year. Moon cycle from June 11 through 14 will prove lucky in general in your daily routine. Libra (Sept. 22 – Oct. 22) Mars in your fifth house till August 13 will bring mix bag of results for entertainment and investment purposes. Please be wise and selective in your investment to keep your finance in balanced position. Jupiter will help you maintain in overall good health and finance. Sun in your ninth house till June 22 will help you in communications, religion and foreign affairs. Saturn may create some aggravation till September 6. You will win the game if stay quiet and sober. Moon cycle from June 1 through 5 will prove lucky for domestic affairs and entertainments. Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 21) Venus in your ninth house till June 13 will help you in your daily routine by making things easier than before and you will feel luck favoring you during this cycle of Venus. Please keep your expenses on lower side for good financial balance. Jupiter will help you maintain good health for rest of this year. Please watch your weight to avoid gaining any extra pounds. Saturn will keep your social ties at good level. Your overseas trip cannot be ruled out before end of this year. Please keep your mind cool till August 13 to avoid unwanted aggravation. Moon cycle from June 3 through 7 will prove lucky for domestic affairs and entertainments. Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 22) Sun controlling your seventh house till June 22 will help you enjoy good family and marriage life. Good time for partnership business. Good time to patch up minor family differences. Venus in your eight houses may make you spend money on unwanted and unimportant items. Please watch your expenses for your good financial balance. Saturn will help you earn money at slow speed till end of this year. Please do not take any financial risks till September 6. Mars may create some minor problems with your loved ones till August 13. Moon cycle from June 1 through 9 will prove lucky for personal affairs, finance and entertainments. Capricorn (Dec. 23 – Jan.19) Sun in your sixth house till June 22 may caution you to take care of your health. Please be wise and selective in your eating and drinking habits in social parties. Your competitors and enemies will stay under good control. Saturn in your first house till September 6 may slow down your personal progress and personal affairs to some extent. Your overall progress may not be halted. You may suffer from chronic health problems. Jupiter will keep your social profile in good shape. You may gain through friends and family slowly but surely till July 10. Moon cycle from June 1 through 12 will prove lucky for your personal affairs and personal progress. Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb.18) Sun in your fifth house till June 22 will keep your entertainment calendar full of happy and joyous events. People connected with any and all types of entertainment business will flourish without extra efforts. You will get good investment opportunities in stock market. Saturn in 12th house may keep your expenses on higher side till Sept.6. Please try to delay, defer or avoid any and all legal and contractual matters. Please watch your diet till June 13. Jupiter will help you maintain your statues till October 12. Moon cycle from June 3 through 14 will prove lucky for personal progress, finance and entertainments. Pisces (Feb.19 – March 20) Sun sitting in your fourth house till June 22 will keep your domestic affairs under good control and you will be able to enjoy good amount of mental happiness. Your self-esteem will score high points. Your mother will enjoy good health. Venus will keep your social affairs in good shape till June 13. Please do not invest in rosy investment schemes. Jupiter will help you till October 12 in any bad situation. Your overseas trip cannot beruled out before that date. Your business, profession and job related progress will be good till June 13. Moon cycle from June 6 through 14 will be good for personal progress, finance and entertainments.

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