Aries (March 21 – April 19) Saturn and Mercury in your 10th house till February 1 will boost your business, profession and job related progress to good level. Saturn to stay here for long period and will create strong and positive cycle for your progress in above matters. Mars entering in your ninth house from January 27 through March 18 will bring mix bag of results for religion, communications and forging affairs.You may hear some good news from overseas. Sun and Venus in 11th will prove lucky for social affairs fill February 19. Moon cycle from January 26 through February 1 will prove lucky for finance, domestic affairs and entertainments. Taurus ( April 20 – May 21) Mars moving in your eighth house on January 27 may caution you to work hard for less gain and also to take care of your health before end of this cycle on March 18. Please drive your vehicle within speed limit to avoid any accidents. Please avoid any and all types of aggravation for your better health. Saturn and Mercury in your first house till February 1 will improve your personal affairs and personal progress. Saturn will create slow but certain progress. Sun and Venus in your second house till February 19 will help you financially to good extent. Moon cycle from January 26 through 30 will help you in religion, communications, business and social affairs. Gemini (May 22 – June 21) Mars moving in your seventh house from January 27 will bring mix bag of results for family as well as marriage life. Mars in considered very powerful in fiery sign, so this cycle of Mars may create unwanted aggravation in family and marriage affairs for small and unimportant reasons. It is to your advantage not to take any important decisions in above matters till March 18. Saturn and Mercury in eighth house till February 1 may make you work hard work. Sun and Venus in your ninth house till February 19 will be helpful in communications, foreign affairs and religious matters. Moon cycle from January 27 through February 6 will prove lucky for personal affairs, travelling and entertainments. Cancer (June 22 – July 21) Mars to enter in your sixth house on January 27 and will stay there till March 18. This is a very weak position of Mars by house and may caution you to take care of health during this period. Please watch your eating and drinking habits in social parties. Your business, profession and job related progress will be average to good. Saturn and Mercury in seventh house will improve your family and marriage affairs. Saturn to stay here for rest of the year and may prove lucky for above matters. Sun and Venus in your eight houses will make your work hard for less gain. Please avoid any and all types of aggravation for your better health. Moon cycle from January 29 through February 8 may prove lucky for personal progress, entertainment and finance to some extent. Leo (July 22 – Aug.21) A very powerful transit of Mars from your fifth house from January 27 through March 18 will prove lucky for entertainments and investment purposes. Good time for stock market and other reasonably risky investments for your personal gain. People connected with any and all types of entertainment business will have busy and profitable schedule. Saturn and Mercury in sixth house will control your competitors and enemies without any harm to you. Your progress in general will be slow but certain. Sun and Venus in seventh house till February 19 will be a good blessing for happy and harmonious family and marriage life. Moon cycle from January 31 through February 8 will prove lucky for personal progress, finance and domestic affairs. Virgo (Aug.22- Sept.21) Mars moving in your fourth house from January 27 will bring mix bag of results for domestic affairs and mental happiness. Mars to stay here till March 18, so please avoid anger and aggravation in small and unimportant matters. People connected with any and all types of real estate business will flourish during this powerful cycle of Mars. Saturn and Mercury in your fifth house till February 1 will help you gain through stock market and other investment opportunities. Sun, Venus and Mercury in your sixth house till February 19 may caution you to take care of your health. Your competitors and enemies will stay under good check. Moon cycle from January 26 through 30 will prove lucky for business, communications, and social matters. Libra (Sept.22 – Oct.22) Mars to travel in your third house from January 27 through March 18 and may prove lucky for short term travel and cozy relationships with your relatives. Mars is considered very powerful in this house and will be able to create very powerful cycle to give you positive results for above matters. Good time to patch up any and all types of strained relationships. Saturn and Mercury in your fourth house will give you happy domestic affairs and good amount of mental peace. Saturn to stay here for long time and should be able to give you steady progress in 2018. Sun and Venus in your fifth house till February 19 will prove lucky for stock market and other investment purposes. Moon cycle form January 27 through February 1 will prove lucky for communications, foreign affairs, business and social gatherings. Scorpio (Oct.23- Nov.21) Mars passing through your second house from January 27 through March 18 will create some financial opportunities for you. Mars also has a spending tendency, so please try to save money during this period of Mars. Please also be careful in your verbal responses to others to avoid any kind of conflict. Saturn and Mercury in your third house will prove lucky for short term travel, communications and good social relationships. Sun and Venus in your fourth house till February 19 will improve your domestic affairs and you may enjoy good amount of mental peace. Moon cycle from January 29 through February 3 will prove lucky for foreign affairs, profession and social affairs. Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec.22) In a major shift in planetary configuration, Mars moving in your first house from January 27 will bring new zeal and energy in your daily routine. Mars will stay here till March 18. Mars has a tendency of short temperament, so please be calm and sober in your personal affairs to get optimum results of Mars. Saturn and Mercury in your second house till February 1 will create good amount of financial opportunities for you. Your financial progress will be slow but certain. Sun, Venus and Mercury in your third house till February 19 will help you gain through short term travel, communications and good relationships with relatives. Moon cycle from January 31 through February 6 will prove lucky for religion, business and social affairs. Capricorn (Dec.23- Jan.19) Mars is going through your 12th house from January 27 through March 18 may tilt your financial cycle in negative direction and also create unwanted aggravation for no good reasons. Please watch your expense very carefully to avoid any and all financial meltdown. Please avoid or defer all legal matters during this cycle of Mars. Saturn and Mercury in first house will create steady and progressive cycle for personal progress and personal affairs. Sun and Venus in your second house till February 19 will be helpful to you in financial matters to some extent. Moon cycle from February 2 through 8 will prove lucky for religion, business and social events. Aquarius (Jan.20 – Feb.18) A very powerful and lucky cycle of Mars from your 11th house from January 27 through March 18 will prove lucky for social affairs and gain through friends and family. Mars is considered very powerful by sign and house and should be able to create very powerful cycle to give you positive results in above matters. Saturn and Mercury in your 12th house till February 1 will keep expenses on higher side. Saturn to stay here for rest of the year, so please watch your expenses all the time. Please avoid all legal matters all the time. Sun and Venus in your first house till February 19 will help you in personal progress and personal affairs. Moon cycle January 27 through February 1 will prove lucky in general. Pisces (Feb.19 – March 20) Mars passing through your 10th house in fiery sign Sagittarius from January 27 through March 18 will bring mix bag of results for business, profession and job related progress. You may be able to discipline yourself during this good and powerful cycle of Mars. Please stay away from unwanted aggravation from small and unimportant matters. Sun, Venus and Mercury in your 12th house may keep your expenses in higher side till February 19. Please watch your budget to stay in good financial health. Saturn in your 11th house will help you gain through friends and relatives slowly but certainly. Moon cycle from January 26 through 30 will prove lucky for travelling, domestic affairs and entertainments. By Nitin Bhatt 630-660-8470 :