YOUR STARS — Aug. 9 – Aug. 22

YOUR STARS — Aug. 9 – Aug. 22


Aries (March 21-April 19): Jupiter to travel in direct motion from August 10 till December 2 will bring your communications, foreign affairs and religious progress in full speed and you will achieve optimum results in all three matters. Your overseas trip cannot be ruled out before the end of this lucky period. Good chances for higher education and other study project. Your religious faith will be revived and will touch high marks. Jupiter will also help you maintain good health and make changes in your daily routine for your progress. Your kids will progress in their studies. Your social ties will be in good shape. Moon cycle from August 9 through 16 will prove lucky in general. Taurus (April 20-May 21): Jupiter to go in direct motion in your eighth house from August 10 through December 2 may lessen some burden of aggravation in general in your daily routine. Your level of hard work may go down and you may get some financial relief in general. Your spouse’s finance may show positive cash flow. Jupiter will help you reshape your domestic affairs and you will feel mentally stress free. Your expenses will stay under good control during this cycle of Jupiter. Please try to settle all your legal matters before December 2. Please avoid all types of financial risks to avoid financial losses. Moon cycle from August 12 through 18 will prove lucky for communications, business and social affairs. Gemini (May 22-June 21): A very lucky and propitious cycle of Jupiter to start in direct motion in your seventh house from August 10 through December 2 will bring lots of joyous and happy events in your family and marriage life. You will experience noticeable difference in your life and your overall life progress will go in positive direction. Good time to tie new knots with your loved ones. Good time to patch up bruised family relationships. Your personal affairs and personal progress will get new direction. A new addition in family cannot be ruled out. You will gain through friends and social circles. You may gain through short term travel and communications. This remaining cycle of Jupiter will certainly prove lucky for you. Moon cycle from August 14 through 20 will prove lucky in general. Cancer (June 22-July 21): Jupiter will start in direct motion in your sixth house from August 10 through December 2 will bring good prospects for your business, profession and job related progress. Your stalled progress will start again and you will experience noticeable progress in above matters. Your income level will go up and you will be able to control your expenses to some extent. Your social status will be elevated before the year is out. Your health will also improve and you will have good control over your stubborn diseases. Please take advantage of this lucky period for your personal progress. Moon cycle from August 17 through 22 will prove lucky for religion, business and social affairs. Leo (July 22-Aug. 21): A very lucky and profitable transit of Jupiter in direct motion through your fifth house from August 10 through December 2 will keep your entertainment schedule full of happy and joyous events. People connected with any and all types of entertainment business will be able to double their income before the year is out. Good time for stock market and other investments. Your kids will get good guidance from you and their overall progress will be satisfactory. You will gain through friends and social circles. Your health will improve and your overall progress will be good. You will feel luck smiling on you. Your educational goals will be fulfilled. Moon cycle from August 19 through 22 will prove lucky in general. Virgo (Aug. 22-Sept. 21): A very lucky and powerful passage of Jupiter in direct motion from your fourth house from August 10 through December 2 will bring your domestic affairs under your control and your will enjoy daily routine with ease and without aggravations. Jupiter is very strong by sign and house and should be able to create very powerful cycle for your overall happiness. You will be able to control your expenses. Your legal problems will bring happy endings. Your business, profession and job related progress will be good and satisfactory. Your social status will be elevated. Politicians and social workers will enjoy their career. Moon cycle from August 9 through 13 will prove lucky for domestic affairs and entertainments. Libra (Sept. 22-Oct. 22): Jupiter will start in direct motion in your third house from August 10 through December 2 to improve your short term travel, communication and cozy ties with your relatives. Jupiter is very strong by sign and should be able to give you good results in above matters. Good time to take extra risks in activities of your interest and your final results will be good. Good time to patch up any strained social relationships. Good time to tie knots with your loved ones. You will feel luck smiling on you occasionally. People connected with any and all types of hospitality business will flourish before the end of this year. Good time for family vacation. Moon cycle from August 9 through 15 will prove lucky for short term travel, domestic affairs and entertainment. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Jupiter going in direct motion in your second house from August 10 through December 2 will bring good amount of financial opportunities for your good financial health. Please take extra risks and responsibilities in stock market and other similar reasonably risky investments. Jupiter is very strong by sign and should be able to create very powerful cycle for your financial success. Please pay off your debt before the end of this cycle. You will be able to control your enemies and competitors without extra efforts. Your health will improve and stubborn disease will be under good check. Moon cycle from August 9 through 18 will prove lucky for finance, domestic affairs and entertainment. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22): Jupiter to shift in direct motion in your first house from August 10 through December 2 to help you to reshape your personal affairs and personal progress to your satisfaction. Please watch your weight during this period. Please do not waste this good opportunity not to be repeated in next 12 years. Your family and marriage life will also improve. Good and lucky time to tie knot with loved ones. Good time for new educational opportunities. You may feel luck smiling on you occasionally. Good time for communications and overseas travel. Your kids will progress as per your desire. Your social calendar will be full of happy and joyful events. Good time for stock market and other investments. Moon cycle from August 9 through 20 will prove progressive in general. Capricorn (Dec. 23-Jan. 19): Jupiter to start travelling in direct motion in your 12th house from August 10 through December 2 may lessen the financial burden and you may be able to reshape your financial budget. Good time for charitable and philanthropic work. Good time to settle all legal problems through communications and compromise. Jupiter will also help you to control your domestic affairs and you may enjoy good amount of mental peace. You will be able to control your enemies and competitors without any extra efforts. Good time to take control of your health and stubborn diseases. Your spouse’s finance will show positive cash flow. Moon cycle from August 12 through 22 will prove lucky for personal progress, finance and entertainment. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19): Jupiter will start in direct motion in your 11th house from August 10 through December 2 to help you gain through friends and social circles. Jupiter is very strong by sign and house and should be able to create very powerful cycle for your personal progress. People connected with any and all types of hospitality business will have busy and profitable schedule. Jupiter will help your kids in their overall progress. Expectant and child bearing couples will have good chances for new addition in their life. Good time to tie knots with your loved ones. Your family and marriage life will be happy and joyous. Moon cycle from August 14 through 22 will prove lucky for personal progress, finance and domestic affairs. Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20): Jupiter, your sign lord will start in direct motion in your 10th house from August 10 to boost your business, profession and job related progress in positive direction. You will experience your stalled progress in good motion before end of this month. Politicians and social workers will have busy and profitable schedule before and of this lucky cycle to end on December 2. Your financial progress will be in good shape. You will have extra cash after paying off your debts. Your domestic affairs will be under lucky stars and you will be able to enjoy good amount of mental happiness. You will be able to reshape your health and your stubborn diseases. Jupiter is very strong by sign and house, so please take advantage of this lucky cycle without wasting your time. Moon cycle from August 17 through 22 will prove lucky for personal progress, finance and short term travel. By NITIN BHATT :: :: 630-660-8470

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