
Aries (March 20-April 19): Mercury stays first, your ruler Mars is fifth and Jupiter stays 12th.  Do not allow the day to start off a drift toward verbal warfare with your spouse.  Social matters seem to be enjoyable, but avoid any controversy in that sphere.  Jupiter stays favorable for health concerns.

Taurus (April 20-May 20):
Your ruler Venus stays in fourth house, Mars is in first, Jupiter is seventh and Saturn stays fifth. It shows you will remain in happy mood and may have busy time with religious functions.  However, Saturn shows a tense atmosphere at home.  Remain helpful and calm. Health may need proper attention.

Gemini (May 21-June 21):
Mercury, your ruler, is 11th, Saturn is fourth, Jupiter stays 10th and Rahu stays seventh.  Mercury affects favorably your karma house, so there will be hectic activity and more money may flow in than go out.  Traveling should be avoided.  Your health is under Jupiter, so it will remain without any hurdles during the week.

Cancer (June 22-July 21): The Moon is seventh, Mars is second, Jupiter is ninth, Saturn is third, and Rahu stays in sixth house.  The Lunar aspect in your chart is favorable and you may enjoy good health and mental peace.  You may want relaxation, hence attend some religious events for pleasure and inner peace. 

Leo (July 22-Aug. 21): Mars is first, Saturn stays second and your ruler, the Sun, is in the 10th house, while Jupiter remains eighth.  The Solar effect will bring good health, domestic peace and rising prestige in the community. However, Venus in your sign may draw you to extramarital relationship, but Jupiter may stop you. For emotional safety, keep away from any such attractions.

Virgo (Aug. 22-Sept. 21):
Saturn stays first, Jupiter is seventh, Venus is in 10th and Mars stays 12th.  Your ruler Mercury remains in eighth house.  Except an unpleasant hurt caused by a relative, the week is enjoyable for domestic environment.  You may feel some emotional stress as some of your former colleagues seem to avoid your company.

Libra (Sept. 22-Oct. 21): Rahu stays third, Jupiter is sixth, your ruler Venus stays seventh and Saturn is in 12th house. These planets show a happy mental state and physical fitness during the week.  The financial venture would be profitable. You will be happy to attend religious events and will find yourself quite refreshed and pleased.

Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 21):
Jupiter stays fifth, Mercury is sixth and your ruler Mars 10th, which means, that it is in the income house and affects your finances encouragingly. Venus brings inner peace and harmony in domestic sphere, provided you keep good temper. Try to remain flexible and cooperative in every activity.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):
Jupiter is fourth, Mercury is fifth, Venus stays seventh and Mars remains ninth. Saturn is in Virgo, but still creates minor verbal conflicts with family members.  Health and finances will remain excellent due to your ruler Jupiter.  Remain careful in your social environment.  Favorable impact of Mars shows that if Sagittarians need a job, they will succeed in getting one.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan.19): Jupiter stays third, Mercury is fourth, Venus stays sixth, and Mars is in eighth house.  The total planetary effect is that you will enjoy good health, except some pains in joints or eyes. Do not go for surgery during this week, if it is optional.  In domestic sphere, you spouse needs more attention.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):
Jupiter remains second, Mars stays seventh, Saturn, your rulers, stays eighth, and Venus is third.  Keep a positive attitude at home and at work to avoid problems with the colleagues and the spouse.  Health shows no hassles.  You may enjoy marital bliss, provided you avoid any prior relationship with the opposite sex. Monetary state remains stable.

Pisces (Feb.19-March 19): Jupiter, your ruler, is first, Venus stays fourth, Rahu is in 10th, and Saturn stays seventh.  Jupiter is very favorable during the week and will be able to make more money, and keep you in good health.  However, Rahu denotes that you should keep irritable behavior away and show sweet  attitude with the people.

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