to stay healthy as you age

to stay healthy as you age


Women at every age, battle with new challenges and changes that can be as exciting as they are exhausting. Work and relationship pressures are at their peak around the mid 30s, as a recent study states, making it one of the most trying years for most. Each stage of life brings along its own set of stress triggers that has a domino effect on health, relationships and overall wellbeing. Follow this guide to make sure you make the most out of each phase in your life and nip out potential problems.


Healthwise: Anemia

Studies show, one in every three 19-24 year olds have low stores of iron in the blood which indicates the presence of Anemia. Symptoms include tiredness and lethargy and difficulty concentrating.

Solution: Eat a balanced diet, including iron-rich foods like green leafy vegetables, lentils, boiled eggs, fish, etc.

In relationships: Since 20s are usually a deeply experimental phase mentally, it's not uncommon to have more than one sexual partner. Staying healthy and birth control then become top priority. Controlling thrush, urinary tract infections and other STD's is essential.

Solution: Insist on a condom. Even if you're in a serious relationship, make sure you use contraceptives. Take birth control medication only after consulting with a doctor.

Emotional misery: Stress

This is probably the first time in your life you've had to deal with adult issues like balancing a new job, friends, living away from home. It's stressful initially.

Solution: Learning to breathe deeply can trigger a relaxation response.


Healthwise: Premenstrual syndrome

PMS gets even more intense and common as women get older. Symptoms can worsen after childbirth.

Solution: Eat at least four to five portions of fruit and vegetables daily. Have wholegrain breads and cereals and cut down on saturated fats, salty foods and alcohol.

In relationships: Parenting

The added stress of having a family can lead to couples neglecting their own sexuality.

Solution: Even if you're too tired for sex, touching, cuddling and simply spending time listening to each other will mean you still feel safe and secure in the relationship. Find help to handle kids for at least one day in a month so that you can spend time with just each other.

Emotional misery: Fatigue

According to a study, one in four women between the ages of 20 and 39 feels tired at least half the time. The exhaustion, it said, linked women's tiredness with poor diet, lack of exercise and stress.

Solution: Addressing underlying issues is key. Get your food in order and get some early nights in during the week. Try making the time for a brisk walk everyday.


Healthwise: Weight gain

Most women gain weight between the ages of 40-55 years, increasing the risk of diabetes.

Solution: Addressing the natural fall in metabolism that occurs in your 40s is key to staying trim. Introduce exercises that build muscle mass, such as lifting weights and doing squats and press-ups. The more lean tissue you have the more calories you burn all day, even at rest.

In relationships: Life in a rut

For most, this is a period when sex life has been the same for years, and taking partners for granted and neglecting physical attention and affection is at its peak. This often leads to dissatisfaction.

Solution: Something as simple as moving your sex-play from the bedroom to the living room or having sex in the morning for variation can make it seem less routine.

Emotional misery: Depression

Studies show, that early 40s is an age most vulnerable to depression.

Solution: Seek help of a therapist of counselor if you feel like you're sinking into a depression. Be sure to exercise. That'll help your mood and increase endorphins in the body.


Healthwise: Heart diseases

While women are known to fear breast cancer more than any other disease, they are five times more likely to suffer a heart attack than men.

Solution: Keep a close eye on your cholesterol levels and reduce your intake of saturated animal fats. Have your blood pressure regularly checked and watch your weight. Half-an-hour of brisk walking five times a week will protect your heart.

In relationships: Change of Life

Menopause causes vaginal dryness and sometimes a fall in your sexual desire that may be physical (due to hormone changes) or psychological (changes to your body making you feel less desirable).

Solution: Try to embrace the liberating side of the menopause. You're free of contraception worries and can have sex more freely when the kids have flown the nest.

Emotional misery: Mid-life angst

Turning 50 can trigger disappointments about missed opportunities, or a life that isn't quite going to plan.

Solution: Embracing your 50s as a prime time of life. Free your mind and challenge yourself to embark on something new.


Healthwise: Bones and joints Aches, pain and broken bones can feature more often with age.

Solution: Gentle weight-bearing exercises, such as walking are always good. It's important to include plenty of calcium-rich dairy products in your diet and vitamin D supplement. Maintaining a healthy weight and staying well hydrated will help ward off joint problems.

In relationships: Your sex life wanes

After a point people come to accept the stereotypes that older people don't have sex.

Solution: Continue to have a good sex for the same reason you should continue to get good exercise, it's about taking care of yourself.

Emotional misery: Memory loss and dementia

Solution: Stay mentally active, take a vitamin supplements and make sure to maintain an active social life.

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