Sleepless Americans tank up on coffee and Pennsylvania

Sleepless Americans tank up on coffee and Pennsylvania

All eyes on Pennsylvania: What's going on there?.

New York, Nov 6 (IANS) For the third straight day, Americans from coast to coast are still journeying on their caffeine-spiked red-eye roller coaster of a political blockbuster like no other. It's Friday, November 6, and we still don't have a winner for Trump versus Biden. American politics is turning on Pennsylvania and the numbers tumbling out of there overnight are overwhelmingly in favor of the Biden-Harris ticket. If Joe Biden wins Pennsylvania, he wins the White House. For Donald Trump, the state is a must-win for any chance to stay in the game. That trend is being powered by Philadelphia, the state's biggest city. Biden is winning big in Philadelphia. In this city alone, there are about 54,000 mail ballots that are still being counted at around 8 a.m. EST. Much of the mail ballots are going for Biden at a rate of 91 per cent and this is being repeated in county after county, it's not an isolated pattern in Philly alone. What that means is that whenever the next lot of results come in, it's going to be in the game changer category, unless it goes in a completely opposite direction from what we've been seeing here for the last 15 hours, nonstop. Democratic voters went all in on using the mail vote, Republicans turned out on election day. That's what we're seeing in the numbers coming out on Friday. Pennsylvania had just two ways to vote: Mail or in person. There was no in-person early voting possible here. So, it figures that votes getting counted today are skewing blue and adding more to Biden's total rather than Trump's total. We are awaiting around 160,000 votes more. Biden has plenty of room to catch up with Trump and potentially run away with the big prize.

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