Aries (March 21 – April 19): New Moon falling in your seventh house on October 14 will bring happy and joyous events in your family and marriage life till November 12. Good and lucky time for family vacation. Good and lucky time for partnership business and other unions. Mars will be alone in your eighth house from October 13 through 24 caution you to take care of your health with due care and good medical advice. You may drive your vehicle carefully to avoid bad accident. This Mars under good control of Jupiter will bring good end results if you have done your homework. Venus also in your sixth house from October 13 through November 8 may caution you to watch your weight till that date. Moon cycle from October 18 through 24 will prove as grace of God for you.
Taurus (April 20 – May21): Your sign lord, Venus will stay in your fifth house from October 13 through November 8 to keep your entertainment calendar full of happy and joyous events. This Venus well supported by Jupiter will give you good results. You may be conservative in your stock market and other investments. People connected with entertainment businesses may have to little extra hard to achieve financial goals. Sun and Mercury may caution you to take care of your health from October 13 through 24. Mars in its own sign from October 13 through 24 will bring good luck for family and marriage life. Good and lucky time for partnership business and other unions. Moon cycle October 21 through 26 will prove lucky and progressive in general.
Gemini (May 21 – June 21): Venus will be passing through your fourth house from October 13 through November 8 to help you reshape your domestic affairs and you may enjoy more mental peace. Venus will be well supported by Jupiter to give you good results and happiness. You may buy big ticket item. Sun and Mercury sitting in your fifth house from October 13 through 24 will help you to certain extent in stock market and other investments. You may be conservative in your financial affairs due to weak position of Sun. Mars alone in your sixth house from October 13 through 24 may caution you to take care of your health with good medical advice. Moon cycle from October 23 through 26 will prove lucky and progressive in general.
Cancer (June22 – July 21): New Moon falling in your fourth house on October 14 will bring good luck in your domestic affairs and good amount of mental happiness till November 12. You may be able to make good decision for you and your family. Venus will be alone in your third house to help you enjoy short term travel and sweet bonding with relatives. Venus will be well supported by Jupiter to give you good benefits of this cycle. Mars in its own sign in your fifth house from October 13 through 24 will help you to some extent for entertainments and investments. Mars also well supported by Jupiter will give you good results in above matters. Moon cycle from October 13 through 17 will prove lucky for travelling, domestic affairs and entertainments.
Leo (July 22 – Aug.21): Venus will be passing through your second house from October 13 through November 8 and will help you to some extent in your financial success before end of this cycle. Venus will be well supported by Jupiter and your end results will be in positive financial cycle. You may avoid undue financial risks. Mars alone passing through your fourth house in its own sign will be sign of good luck for domestic affairs and mental happiness from October 13 through 24. Mars will be very powerful by sign and position to give you maximum happiness before end of cycle. Moon cycle from October 13 through 20 will lucky and progressive in general.
Virgo (Aug.22 – Sept.21): Venus will be sitting alone in your first house from October 13 through November 8 to help some extent for your personal progress and personal affairs. Venus will be well supported by Jupiter and your end results will be happy at the end. You may watch your weight. Sun and Mercury will help you to some extent in your financial success. Sun will be weak by sign and you have to be conservative in your financial dealings. Mars sitting alone from October 13 through October 4 in your will prove lucky for short term travel and sweet bonding with relatives. Mars will be very powerful by sign and position to give you maximum benefits of this lucky cycle. Moon cycle from October 13 through 22 will prove lucky and progressive in general.
Libra (Sept.22 – Oct.21): New Moon falling in your first house on October 14 will accelerate your personal affairs and personal progress till November 12. You may take full advantage of this lucky cycle. Your health will score positive points. Mars will stay alone in your second house from October 13 through 24 to help you to some extent in your financial success. Mars will be very powerful by sign and well supported by Jupiter will bring good results for you. Your sign lord Venus sitting alone in your 12th house may keep your expenses high from October 14 through November 8. This Venus in good control of Jupiter will help you to control your expenses to some extent. Moon cycle from October 14 through 24 will prove lucky and progressive in general.
Scorpio (Oct.22 – Nov.21): Your sign lord Mars to stay in your first house from October 13 through 24 to bring good luck in general for your personal affairs and personal progress. This Mars very strong by sign and well supported by Jupiter will give you maximum benefits of this lucky cycle. Your health will be in good shape. Sun and Mercury combination will keep your expenses on higher side till October 23. You may avoid all legal and contractual work till that date. Venus alone in your 11th house from October 14 through November 8 will help you to some extent for social affairs and social gains. This Venus well supported by Jupiter will bring happy end results. Moon cycle from October 16 through 26 will prove lucky and progressive in general.
Sagittarius (Nov.22 – Dec.21): Venus sitting alone in your 10th house from October 13 through November 8 will help you to some extent in business, profession and job related progress. This Venus well supported by Jupiter will try to give you good benefits before end of cycle. Politicians and social workers may take good advantage of this lucky cycle. Mars alone in your 12th house from October 13 through 24 may keep your expenses on higher side. You may avoid aggravations for your good health. This Mars well protected by Jupiter may bring good end results. Sun and Mercury will bring good luck for social affairs and gains till October 24, Moon cycle from October 18 through 26 will prove lucky for personal progress, finance and domestic affairs.
Capricorn (Dec.23 – Jan.19): New Moon falling in your 10th house on October 14 will bring good luck for business, profession and job related progress till November 12. You may take full advantage of this lucky period. Politicians and social workers will be happy with their progress. Venus sitting alone in your ninth house from October 12 through November 8 will bring some good luck in general for communications, religion and foreign affairs. This Venus well supported by Jupiter may give you happy end results. Mars alone in your 11th house from October 13 through 24 may help you gain through friend and social circles. Mars will be very powerful by sign and position to give you maximum benefits of this lucky cycle. Moon cycle from October 13 through 17 will prove as grace of God for you.
Aquarius (Jan.20 – Feb.19): Sun and Mercury in your ninth house till October 23 will bring good luck to some extent for communications, religion and foreign affairs. Sun will be weak by sign and may not give you full results for your overall progress. Mars alone sitting in your 10th house from October 13 through 24 will prove lucky for your business, profession and job related progress. Mars will be very powerful by sign and well supported by Jupiter will give you maximum benefits of this lucky cycle. Venus sitting alone in your eighth house from October 13 through November 8 may caution you to take care of your health. Venus will be weak by sign and position and you may have to work hard for your health and finance. Moon cycle from October 14 through 24 will prove lucky and progressive in general.
Pisces (Feb.20 – March 20): Venus alone sitting in your seventh house from October 13 through November 8 will bring happy and joyous events in your family and marriage life to some extent. Good and lucky time for partnership business and other unions. This Venus well supported by Jupiter will bring happy end results. Mars in its own sign in your ninth house from October 13 through 24 will prove lucky in general for communications, religion and foreign affairs. Mars will be very powerful by sign and well supported by Jupiter will bring extra happiness in above matters. Sun and Mercury from October 13 through 23 may caution you to take care of your health with due care and good medical advice. Moon cycle from October 18 through 24 will prove as grace of God for you.