YOUR  STRAS - Feb.9 to Feb.22

YOUR  STRAS - Feb.9 to Feb.22

astrology 1


Aries (March 21 – April 19): Mercury and Sun combination from February 9 through 19 in your 11th house will bring good luck for social affairs and social gains. People connected with hospitality businesses will be happy with their progress. Mercury will stay here till February 23. Venus and Mars combination  will prove lucky for business, profession and job. Politicians and social workers will be happy with their progress. Venus will stay here till February 17. Saturn will keep your expenses on higher side till June 29. You may avoid all legal and contractual work till that date. Jupiter will try to make good money till June 25. Moon cycle from February 13 through 22 will prove lucky and progressive in general.

Taurus (April 20 – May 21): Mercury will join Sun in your 10th house from February 9 through 19 to accelerate your progress in business, profession and job. People connected with communications will get more benefits of this lucky period. Politicians and social workers will be happy with their progress. Mercury will stay here till February 23. Your sign lord Venus in good combination with Mars  will prove lucky in general for communications, religion and foreign affairs. You may receive good news from overseas. Venus will stay here till February 17. Saturn will prove lucky for social affairs and social gains till June 29. Your progress will be slow but certain. People connected with hospitality businesses may take full advantage of this period. Moon cycle from February 15 through 22 will prove lucky and progressive in general.

Gemini (May 22 – June 21): Your sign lord Mercury to join Sun from February 9 through 19 to bring extra good luck for communications, religion and foreign affairs. Mercury is considered very powerful by position to give you maximum benefits of this period. Your immigration and foreign affairs may bring happy ending. Mercury will stay till February 23. Venus and Mars combination from  may caution you to take care of your health with due care and good medical advice. People suffering from diabetes may take extra care of their health. You may not enjoy social parties. Saturn will keep your progress slow but certain in business, profession and job till June 29. Politicians and social workers may stay calm, sober and patient. Moon cycle from February 17 through 22 will prove as grace of God for you. 

Cancer (June 22 – July 21): Venus and Mars combination  will bring happy and joyous events in your family and marriage life. Mars will be very powerful by sign and well supported by Jupiter to give you maximum benefits of this lucky period. Good and lucky time for partnership business and other union. Good and lucky time for family vacation. Sun and Mercury combination from February 9 through 19 may caution you to take care of your health with due care and good medical advice. Your spouse’s finance will show positive cash flow. Mercury will stay here till February 23. Saturn will keep your progress slow and steady for communications, religion and foreign affairs. Jupiter will be helpful for social affairs and gains till June 25. Moon cycle from February 11 through 16 will prove as grace of God for you.

Leo (July 22 – Aug.21): Mercury will join your sign lord Sun from February 9 through 19 to bring happy and joyous events in your family and marriage life. Good and lucky time for family vacation. Good and lucky time for partnership business and other union. Mercury will stay here till February 23. Mars and Venus combination in your sixth house  may caution you to take care of your health with due care and diligence. People suffering from diabetes and headache may take extra care of their health. Your competitors and enemies may puzzle you but will not harm you. Saturn may make you work hard for lesser gains till June 29. Jupiter will help you in social affairs till June 25. Moon cycle from February 13 through 19 will prove lucky and progressive in general.

Virgo (Aug.22 – Sept.21): Venus and Mars combination  will keep your entertainment calendar full of happy and joyous events. Mars will be very powerful by sign and well supported by Jupiter to give you maximum benefits of this lucky cycle. Good and lucky time for stock market and other investments. People connected with any kind of entertainments will have busy and profitable time. Venus will stay here till February 17. Sun and Mercury combination from February 9 through 19 may caution you to take care of your heath with due care and good medical advice. People suffering from neurological problems may pay extra attention to their health. Mercury will stay here till February 23. Saturn may keep your family and marriage life in average to good condition. Moon cycle from February 15through 21 will prove lucky as grace of God .

Libra (Sept.22 – Oct.21): Your sign lord Venus in combination with Mars  will help you reshape your domestic affairs and you may enjoy more mental happiness. Mars will be very powerful by sign and well supported by Jupiter to give you maximum benefits of this lucky cycle. You may buy big ticket item. Venus will stay here till February 17. Sun and Mercury combination from February 9 through 19 will prove lucky for entertainments and investments. Good and lucky time for stock market and other investments. Your kids will enjoy part of your good luck. Mercury will stay here till February 23. Saturn will keep your enemies and competitors under good control till June 29. Moon cycle from February 17 through 22 will prove lucky and progressive in general.

Scorpio (Oct.22 – Nov.21): Your sign lord Mars in good combination with Venus  will bring extra good luck for short term travel and sweet bonding with your relatives. Mars will be very powerful by sign and well supported by Jupiter to give you maximum benefits of this lucky cycle. Venus will stay here till February 17. Sun and Mercury combination from February 9 through 19 will bring peace and harmony in your domestic affairs. You will enjoy mental peace. Mercury will stay here till February 23. Jupiter will keep your family and marriage life in good shape till June 25. Saturn will help you slowly but surely in entertainments and investments till June 29. Moon cycle from February 20 through 22 will prove lucky and progressive in general.

Sagittarius (Nov.22 – Dec.22): A very lucky and propitious combination of Venus and Mars will bring more financial opportunities for your financial success. Mars will be very powerful by sign and well supported by Jupiter to give you maximum benefits of this lucky cycle. You may pay off your old debts with positive cash flow. Venus will stay till February 17. Sun and Mercury combination from February 9 through 19 will make your short- term travel more enjoyable. You will enjoy good bonding with relatives. You may feel luck smiling on you occasionally. Mercury will stay here till February 23. Your sign lord Jupiter may caution you to take care of your health till June 25. Saturn will keep your domestic affairs in average to good condition till June 29. Moon cycle from February 9 through 14 will prove lucky and progressive in general.

Capricorn (Dec.23 – Jan.19): A very good combination of Venus and Mars  will bring extra good luck for your personal progress and personal affairs. Mars will be very powerful by sign and well supported by Jupiter to give you maximum benefits of this lucky cycle. You may avoid laziness due to Venus for your good progress. Sun and Mercury combination from February 9 through 19 will prove lucky for financial progress. Good and lucky time for stock market and other investments. Jupiter will help you to maintain good health till June 25. Your kids will progress under your good guidance. Moon cycle from February 9 through 16 will prove lucky and progressive in general.

Aquarius (Jan.20 – Feb.19): Mercury will join Sun from February 9 through 19 to bring wisdom and speed in your personal affairs and personal progress. You will be able to make quick decisions in your daily routine. Mercury will stay here till February 23. Venus and Mars combination in your 12th house  may keep your expenses on higher side. You may stay away from law authority. Jupiter in good control of these planets will bring happy end result. Jupiter will keep your domestic affairs in good shape till June 25. Your mother and other elderly family members will enjoy good health. Saturn will keep your financial progress slow but steady till June 29. Moon cycle from February 9 through 19 will prove lucky and progressive in general.

Pisces (Feb.20 – March 20): A very lucky and propitious combination of Venus and Mars  will bring extra good luck for social affairs and gains. Mars will be very powerful by sign and well supported by Jupiter to give you maximum benefits of this lucky period. People connected with hospitality businesses may take full advantage of this lucky cycle. Venus will stay here till February 17. Sun and Mercury combination from February 9 through 19 will keep your expenses on higher side. You may avoid all types of legal and contractual work. Mercury will stay here till February 23. Good and lucky time to do charitable and social work, Saturn will keep your overall progress slow but certain till June29. Moon cycle from February 11 through 21 will prove as grace of God for you.

Note To Readers.

Since last 8-10 weeks over all planetary motion and configuration are very complex. They are over lapping each other in certain aspects and results. I have made a humble attempt to make it simple and write what I understand from their position on basis of my 50 years of astrological experience. Any suggestions from my readers are welcome. God bless all my readers.


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