Aries (March 21-April 19): Sun and Mercury combination in your seventh house will bring harmony and happiness in your family and marriage life. Good time for partnership business. Good time for mainly vacation. Jupiter and Venus combination in your eighth house may prove lucky for your spouse finance and other progress. You may feel less frustrated than before. Mars will help you socially till Nov15. People connected with any and all types of hospitality business will flourish. Moon cycle from September 25 through October 4 should prove lucky for personal affairs, domestic affairs and entertainment. Taurus (April 20-May 21): Mars to control your 10th house till November 15 will bring good amount of discipline and arrangement in your business, job and profession. Good time to recognize above matters for your personal gain and optimum results. Your self esteem will be elevated in your business and social circles. Sun and Mercury in your sixth house till October 23 caution you to take care of your health. Please be wise and selective in your eating habits during this period. Your enemies and competitors will be under good control. Moon cycle from September 21 through 24 will prove lucky for business and social affairs. Gemini (May 22-June 21): Sun and Mercury controlling your fifth house till October 23 will keep your social and entertainment calendar full of happy and joyous events. Good time for stock market and other reasonably risky entertainments. Your kids will progress as per your desire. People connected with any and all types of art, music and other entertainments will have busy and profitable schedule. Venus and Jupiter advise you to control your diet and exercise for good health till November 10. Your business, profession and job related progress will be at average to good level. Your enemies and competitors will be under good check. Moon cycle from September 21 through 27 will prove lucky in general. Cancer (June 22-July 21): Sun and Mercury in your fourth house till October 23 will help you enjoy happy domestic affairs you will feel stress free during this period. People connected with any and all types of real estate business will flourish without extra efforts. Jupiter and Venus gracing your fifth house will keep your entertainment calendar full of happy events. Your kids will progress under your supervision. Good time for stock market investments and other reasonably risky investments. People connected with any and all types of entertainment business will flourish till November 10. Moon cycle from September 23 through 29 will prove lucky for religion, business and social affairs. Leo (July 22-Aug. 21): Sun and Mercury gracing your third house till October 23 will make your short term travel more enjoyable and profitable. Your relatives will lend helping hands to you in hours of need. You may feel luck smiling on you occasionally. Venus and Jupiter will make you domestic affairs happy and peaceful. Your self esteem will score positive points. Your business, profession and job related progress will be satisfactory. Mars will keep your marriage and family life face some difficulties till November 15. Please do not make any decisions about above matters till that date. Moon cycle from September 25 through October 1 will prove lucky for communications, business and social affairs. Virgo (Aug. 22-Sept. 21): Sun and Mercury in your second house till October 23 will improve your financial affairs and you will be able to wipe out your debt with positive cash flow. Good time to take extra risks in above matters with due care and attention. Mars in your sixth house till November 15 caution you to take care of your health. Please avoid unnecessary aggravation for your good health. Please be selective in your diet all the time. Your short term travel will be profitable to you till November 10. You will be able to improve your ties with your relatives. Please be selective in your stock market investment till April 29, 2019. Moon cycle from 28 to October 3 will prove lucky in general. Libra (Sept. 22-Oct. 22): Sun and Mercury taking control of your first house till October 23 will help you progress in your personal affairs. You may feel new level of energy to finish your project on hand. Your communication will bring good luck for you. Mars in your fifth house may bring mix bag of results for entertainment and investment purposes. Please watch your kid’s progress for their benefits. Please be wise and selective in your stock market investments. Moon cycle from September 30 through October 4 will prove lucky in general. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Sun and Mercury in your 12th house till October 23 will tilt your expenses on higher side if not properly monitored. Please avoid any and all legal and contractual matters till this date. It is to your benefit to settle all legal matters through negotiations and out of court. Mars may create unwanted and unnecessary aggravation on small and unimportant matters till November 15. People connected with real estate business will have busy and profitable schedule. You may encounter small vehicle problems during this cycle of Mars. Moon cycle from October 2 through 4 till help you in good financial freedom. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22): Saturn staying in direct motion from September 6 through April 29, 2019 will bring god amount of financial opportunities and you will be able to get out of your negative financial realm. Your progress will be slow but certain. Please do not get lured by rosy and risky investment during this cycle of Saturn. Sun and Mercury in your 11th house till October 23 will prove lucky for social affairs. Good time to expand your social and friend circle. People connected with hospitality business will have busy and profitable schedule. Mars will help you keep your family ties in good shape. Moon cycle September 21 through 27 will prove lucky for travelling , domestic affairs and entertainment. Capricorn (Dec. 23-Jan. 19): Sun and Mercury in good control of your 10th house till October 23 will spin your business, profession and job related progress cycle in positive direction. Good time to take extra risks in above matters. Your status quo will be maintained. Politicians and social workers will progress without extra efforts. Jupiter and Venus will help you gain through friends and social circles till November 10. You should expand your social and friend circle before this cycle expire. Social workers should work hard during this lucky period. Moon cycle from September 21 through 29 will prove lucky for personal progress, finance and entertainments. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Sun and Mercury in your ninth house till October 23 will prove lucky for religion, communications and foreign affairs. You may feel luck smiling on you occasionally. You may receive good and encouraging news from overseas. Please try to defer and delay all legal and contractual work till April 29, 2019. Good time for social and philanthropic works. Please watch your expenses till year is out. Mars may aggravate you occasionally, but stay calm and sober for your personal progress. Your business, profession and job related progress will be good till November 10. Moon cycle from September 21 through October 1 will prove lucky for personal progress, finance and entertainment. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): Mars sitting in your 12th house till November 15 may tilt your expenses on higher side if not monitored properly. Please avoid any and all legal and contractual matters till this date. Please also avoid aggravation on small and unimportant matters. Sun and Mercury may make you work hard for lesser gain till October 23. Your spouse’s finance will show some progress during this cycle of Sun. Please take care of your health. Saturn will help you in general for rest of this year. People connected with any and all types of hospitality business will flourish till April 29, 2019. Moon cycle September 23 through October 3 will prove lucky for personal progress and entertainments. BY NITIN BHATT -- / 630-660-8470