Aries (March 21 – April 19): Sun and Mercury combination from June 28 through July 6 will help you reshape your domestic affairs and you may feel stress free. People connected with any kind of real estate businesses will have busy and profitable time. Sun will stay here till July 23 to help you in above matters. Venus and Mars combination in its last leg till July 6 will keep your entertainment calendar full of happy and joyous events. People connected with art, music and other entertainments may take full advantage of this lucky period. Good and lucky time for stock market and other investments. You may watch your expenses till November 4. Moon cycle July 1 through 6 will prove lucky and progressive in general.
Taurus (April 20 – May 21): Sun and Mercury combination from June 28 through July 6 will make your short term travel more enjoyable and sweet bonding with relatives. You may feel luck smiling on you occasionally. Sun will stay here till July 23. Your sign lord Venus in good combination with Mars till July 6 will keep your domestic affairs in good shape and you will enjoy mental peace. You may buy luxury or big ticket item before end of this cycle. You will make good decisions for you and your family. Jupiter will keep showering its blessings for good health till September 4. Moon cycle from July 3 through 6 will prove as grace of God for you.
Gemini (May 21 – June 21): Your sign lord Mercury in good combination with Sun from June 28 through July 6 will bring good financial opportunities for your financial success. Good and lucky time for stock market and other investments. Sun will stay here till July 23 to take good advantage of this lucky time. Venus and Mars combination in its last leg till July 6 will help you enjoy short term travel and sweet bonding with relatives. You may feel luck smiling on you occasionally. Jupiter will keep your expenses on higher side till September 4. Good and lucky time for charitable and social works. Moon cycle from June 23 through 28 will prove lucky for travelling, domestic affairs and entertainments.
Cancer (June 22 – July 21): Sun and Mercury combination from June 28 through July 6 will bring new zeal and energy in your personal affairs and progress. Your health will score positive points. Sun will stay here till July 23 to help you in above matters. Venus and Mars combination in its last leg till July 6 will help you reshape your financial affairs and create positive cash flow. Good and lucky time for stock market and other investments. Good and lucky time to pay off your old debts. Saturn may slow down your religion, communications and foreign affairs activities till November 4. Jupiter will help in social affairs till September 4. Moon cycle from June 23 through 30 will prove lucky for travelling, domestic affairs and entertainments.
Leo (July 22 – Aug.21): Your sign lord Sun in combination with Mercury from June 28 through July 6 may keep your expenses on higher side. You may keep good control over your budget to avoid negative finances. Sun will stay till July 23. Venus and Mars combination in its last leg till July 6 will keep you in cheerful and happy mood. You may avoid laziness for your good progress. Saturn may caution you to take care of your health till November 4. Jupiter will keep your social status on higher side till September 4. Moon cycle from June 23 through July 2 will prove lucky and progressive in general.
Virgo (Aug.22 – Sept.21): Your sign lord Mercury in combination with Sun from June 28 through July 6 will bring extra good luck for social affairs and gain through same circles. People connected with hospitality businesses will have busy and profitable time. Sun will stay here till July 23. Venus and Mars combination in its last leg till July 6 will keep your expenses on higher side. Venus has a tendency of over spending, so please be watchful for your expenses. Saturn may create some trouble in your marriage and family life till November 4. Jupiter will keep showering its blessings in your bad time till September 4. Moon cycle from June 24 through July 4 will prove lucky and progressive in general.
Libra (Sept.22 – Oct.21): Sun and Mercury combination from June 28 through July 6 will bring good luck for business, profession and job. You may take extra risks and responsibilities in above matters. Politicians and social workers will get their fair share. Sun will stay here till July 23. Your sign lord in good combination with Mars till July 6 will help you in social affairs and gain through them. Venus is considered very powerful by position to give you maximum benefits of this lucky period. Saturn will be not be favorable for your health till November 4. Jupiter will be helpful to some extent for health till September 4. Moon cycle from June 26 through July 6 will prove lucky and progressive in general.
Scorpio (Oct.22 – Nov.21): Sun and Mercury combination from June 28 through July 6 will bring extra good luck for religion, communications and foreign affairs. Your immigration and foreign affairs will bring happy endings. Sun will stay here till July 23 to bring good luck in general. Your sign lord Mars in combination with Venus till July 6 will prove lucky for business, profession and job. People connected with entertainment businesses will have good time. Politicians and social workers will be happy with their progress. Saturn may caution you to be conservative in stock market and other investments till November 4. Jupiter will keep your family and marriage life in good shape till September 4. Moon cycle from June 29 through July 6 will prove lucky for your progress, finance and domestic affairs.
Sagittarius (Nov.22 – Dec.21): Venus and Mars combination in its last leg till July 6 will bring good luck in general. You may feel luck smiling on you occasionally. Venus is considered very powerful in ninth house by position and may give you good results before end of this cycle. Sun and Mercury combination from June 28 through July 6 may caution you to take care of your health with due care and good medical advice. Sun will stay here till July 23. Saturn may create some problems in your domestic affairs and you may feel restless till November 4. Jupiter may caution you to take care of your health till September 4. Moon cycle from June 23 through 28 will prove as grace of God for you.
Capricorn (Dec.22 –Jan.19): Sun and Mercury combination from June 28 through July 6 will bring good luck and happiness in your family and marriage life. Good and lucky time for partnership business and other union. Sun will stay here till July 23.Venus and Mars combination till July 6 may caution you to take care of your health with due care and diligence. People suffering from diabetes and anxiety may take extra care of their health. You may drive your vehicle carefully. Your sign lord, Saturn may create some problems with your relatives till November 4. Your travelling plan may be delayed. Jupiter will help you to some extent till September 4 to pass through your bad time. Moon cycle from June 24 through 30 will prove as grace of God for you.
Aquarius (Jan.20 – Feb.19): A very good combination of Venus and Mars in its last leg till July 6 will bring happy and joyous events in your family and marriage life. Venus is considered good indicator of happiness in this position. Good and lucky time for partnership business and other union. Sun and Mercury combination from June 28 through July 6 may caution you to take care of your health with due care and good medical advice. Your enemies and competitors may puzzle you occasionally till July 23. Your sign lord, Saturn may help you to some extent for all types of financial affairs till November 4. Jupiter will keep showering its blessings for domestic affairs till September 4. Moon cycle from June 26 through July 2 will prove as grace of God for you.
Pisces (Feb.20 – March 20): Avery lucky position of Sun and Mercury from June 28 through July 6 in your fifth house will keep your entertainment calendar full of happy and joyous events. Good and lucky time for stock market and other investments. People connected with art, music and other entertainments will have busy schedule and good money. Sun will stay here till July 23. Venus and Mars combination in its last leg till July 6 may caution you to take care of your health with due care and diligence. People suffering from diabetes and headache may take extra care of their health. Saturn will keep your overall progress slow till November 4. Jupiter will keep your social ties in good shape till September 4. Moon cycle June 29 through July 4 will prove lucky and progressive in general.