
By NITIN BHATT Aries (March 21-April 19): Venus, the natural significator of joy, fun and entertainment sitting in your fifth house will keep your entertainment schedule full of happy and joyous events. People connected with any and all types of entertainments will be happily busy. This cycle of Venus ends in July 11. Mercury will keep your domestic affairs under good controltill June 22. You will benefit through communication and enjoy mental peace. Please be careful about your health till July 10. You will gain through short term travel till June 22. Moon cycle from June 15 through 18 will prove lucky for domestic affairs and entertainments. Taurus (April 20-May 21): Venus, the lover of love and peace sitting in your fourth house till July 11 will help you reshape your domestic affairs and you will enjoy good amount of mental peace. Venus may make you spend above your budget in buying big ticket items if you are not careful about your budget. Venus and Mars combination will help you enjoy good marriage life. People connected with entertainment businesses will have lucky period till July 11. Sun will create good opportunities for financial success. Mercury will help you enjoy short term travel and god communications. Moon cycle from June 15 through 20 will prove lucky for short term travel,domestic affairs and entertainment. Gemini (May 22-June 21): New Moon has fallen in your first house on June 13 will bring your personal affairs and personal progress in lime light till July 13. You will feel new vigor and energy in your daily routine. Please try to rearrange your priorities for your personal gain. Mercury will help you make extra cash from June 15 through 22. Please do not take extra risks in your finances. Your verbal responses to others will bring harmony and happiness. Saturn will make you work hard and may create some strange events till September 6. Venus will make short term travel more fun loving and easy till July 11. You will very cozy relationships with your cousins. Moon cycle from June 15 through 22 will prove lucky for finance, domestic affairs and entertainment. Caner (June 22-July 21): Venus controlling your second house till July 11 will bring good amount of financial opportunities to make extra cash. You may be able to pay off your debt with positive cash flow. Please do not invest in rosy schemes to avoid financial losses. Your glib tongue will help you keep healthy relationships in general. Mercury will add swiftness and speed in your daily routine till June 22. Sun may keep your expenses on higher sidetill June 22. Please avoid all legal matters till end of this month. Moon cycle from June 5 through 24 will prove lucky for personal progress, finance and domestic affairs. Leo (July 22-Aug. 21): Venus, the natural donor of joy and happiness controlling your first house till July 11 will swing your mood and keep you in cheerful and gay mood. Please do not be lazy in your daily routine to avoid extra pounds. Venus and Mars combination will give you happy and harmonious family and marriage life. Good time to coax with your spouse to patch up some differences. Mercury may keep your expenses on higher side if not properly monitored. Please avoid all legal and contractual matters till June 22. Saturn will keep your competitors and enemies under good check. You should take care of your health. Moon cycle from June 17 through 27 will prove lucky for personal progress and finance. Virgo (Aug. 22-Sept. 21): Venus, a natural signifactor of luxury and laziness sitting in your 12th house till November 11 may tilt your financial balance on negative side by creating extra expenses if you are not careful about budget. You may end up buying unwanted items during this cycle of Venus. Sun will keep your business, profession and job related progress in good shape till July 13. Your social status will be elevated. Politicians and social workers will enjoy fruits of their past work. Mercury will be helpful for social affairs till June 22. Please be careful about your stock market investment till Sept 6. Moon cycle from June 19 through 28 will prove lucky for personal progress, finance and entertainments. Libra (Sept. 22-Oct. 22): Venus, your sign lord and fond of socialization passing through your 11th house will help you gain through friends and social circles till July 11. This is one of the strongest position for Venus and should be able to give you god results during this cycle. People connected with hospitality business will surely gain during this period. Mercury will keep your business, profession and job related progress in good shape till June 22. People connected with commission based business will have busy and profitable schedule. Sun will help you in your daily routine till June 22. Moon cycle from June 21 through 28 will prove lucky for personal progress and finance. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Venus, a true signifactor of entertainment passing through your 10th house will prove lucky for business, profession and job related progress till July 11. People connected with any and all types of entertainments, art, music and other profession will have busy schedule. This is a good time to take extra risks in your business. Venus and Mars combination will help you enjoy domestic affairs and mental peace. Sun may caution you take care of your health till June 22. Mercury will improve your communicationsand foreign affairs. People connected with advertising and printing business will have extra cash without extra efforts. Moon cycle from June 15 through 20 will prove lucky in general. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22): Venus in your ninth house till July 11 will prove lucky for communications, foreign affairs and religion. You will feel luck smiling on you. You may spend more than your budget. Sun in your seventh will prove lucky for family and marriage life till July 13. Good time for family vacation and social gatherings. Good time for partnership business. Your spouse will make your life more happy and enjoyable. Mars and Venus combination will make short term travel more enjoyable. Your cousins will lend helping hands to you. Moon cycle from June 17 through 22 will prove lucky in general for you. Capricorn (Dec. 23-Jan. 19): Venus in your eighth house till July 11 may make your work hard for lesser gain. You may end up spending money on unwanted items. You may not enjoy social parties like before during this cycle of Venus. Sun in sixth house may caution you to take care of your health till end of this month. Your progress in business, profession and job related matters will be average and may not be to your satisfaction. Mars and Venus combination may help you make money to some extent but savings may be difficult. Please be careful for your verbal responses till end of this month. Moon cycle from June 19 through 25 will prove lucky for religion, business and social affairs. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Venus, the signifactor of love, romance and entertainment staying in your seventh house till July 11 will bring lots of harmony and happiness in family and marriage life. Good time to tie knots with your loved ones. Mars and Venus combination will add extra dimension in your happiness. Good time for entertainment related businesses. Sun will help you enjoy social functions. Your kid’s progress will be to your satisfaction. Good time for stock market investment till June 22. Moon cycle from June 21 through 27 will prove lucky in general. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): New Moon has fallen in your 10th house on June 13 will reactivate your business, profession and job related progress till July 13. Your social status will score high points. Politicians and social workers will get good recognition for their work. Good time to take extra risks and responsibilities in above matters. Venus in your sixth house till July 11 cautions you to take care of your health. Mars in 12th house may keep your expenses on higher side. Be wise and selective in your expenses. Moon cycle June 23 through 28 will prove lucky in general. Nitin Bhatt:

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