BY NITIN BHATT Aries (March 21- April 19) Jupiter to move in your 11th house from December 20 through May 14, 2021 to help you gain through friends and family circles. This is a very strong position for Jupiter to give you maximum benefits of this period. You should expand your social and friend circles for your personal gain. People connected with all types of hospitality business will flourish without extra efforts. Jupiter’s good control over your third, fifth and seventh house will play vital role in short term travel, family and marriage happiness. Your kids will progress under your good guidance. A new addition in family or marriage may bring good luck for you. Moon cycle from December 14 through 19 will prove lucky and progressive in general. Taurus (April 20 – May 21) Jupiter to pass through your 10th house from December 20 through May 14, 2021 to boost your business, profession and job related progress in positive direction. Your social status will be elevated. Politicians and social workers will get good recognitions. Jupiter is considered very powerful by position to give you good results of this lucky period. You may take extra risks and responsibilities in above matters for your good progress. Jupiter will have good control over your second, fourth and sixth house to help you improve your finance, domestic affairs and your health. Moon cycle from December 16 through 21 will prove lucky for religion, business and social affairs. Gemini (May 22 – June 21) A very powerful and lucky passage of Jupiter through your ninth house from December 20 through May 14, 2021 will prove lucky for religion, communications and foreign affairs. This passage of Jupiter will prove as grace of God in your daily routine. Your immigration and other foreign matters will bring happy endings. Your religious faith will be rekindled and stronger than your past belief. You may take overseas trip during this lucky cycle. Jupiter’s good control over your first, third and fifth house will help you enjoy good health, short term travel and entertainments. Your kids will progress good under your guidance. Moon cycle from December 18 through 24 will prove lucky and progressive in general. Cancer (June 22 – July 21) Jupiter to take charge of your eighth house from December 20 through May 14, 2021 to make you work harder for lesser gain. You may have to take care of your health. Your spouse’s finance will show positive cash flow. You may gain through legacy to some extent. Jupiter will be weak by position and you may face some obstacles in your daily routine. Jupiter will have good control over your second, fourth and 12th house to help you control your expenses and reshape your domestic affairs. You may get some opportunities to improve your finances. Please work hard and preplan your life to pass through this time. Moon cycle from December 20 through 24 will prove lucky and progressive in general. Leo (July 22 – Aug.21) Jupiter to take control of your seventh house from December 20 through May 14, 2021 to bring happy and joyous events in your family and marriage life. Jupiter will be very powerful by position to give you maximum benefits of this lucky time for all types of partnership business and partnership affairs. Good and lucky time to tie knot with your loved one. Jupiter’s good control over your first, third and 11th house will help you maintain good health, good social bindings and social affairs. A new addition in family cannot be ruled out due to blessings of Jupiter. Moon cycle from December 11 through 15 will prove lucky for short term travel, domestic affairs and entertainments. Virgo (Aug.21 – Sept.21) Jupiter to grace your sixth house from December 20 through May 14, 2021 to help you to some extent in your business, profession and job. You may have to take care of your health during this period. People suffering from high blood pressure and other problems may take good medical advice and follow it. Jupiter will be weak by position and you may have to work hard to take care of your health in general. Jupiter will have good control over your second, 10th and 12th house to control your expenses and maintain good social status. Good and lucky time for philanthropic and social work. Moon cycle from December 11 through 17 will prove lucky for finance, short term travel, domestic affairs and entertainments. Libra (Sept.22 – Oct.22) A very lucky and propitious passage of Jupiter from your fifth house from December 20 through May 14, 2021 will keep your social and entertainment calendar full of happy and joyous events. Jupiter will be very strong by position to give you good results in above matters. People connected with art, music and any kind of entertainment business will flourish without extra efforts. Good and lucky time for stock market and other investments. Jupiter’s good control over first, ninth and 11th house will help you enjoy good health, good fortune and good social bonding. Moon cycle from December 11 through 19 will prove lucky and progressive in general. Scorpio (Oct.23 – Nov.21) A good and lucky passage of Jupiter from your fourth house from December 20 through May 14, 2021 will help you reshape your domestic affairs and you will enjoy good amount of mental peace. Jupiter is considered very powerful by position to give you full benefits of this lucky period. You may feel in control of your surroundings to make good decisions for you and your family. People connected with any kind of real estate businesses will have busy and profitable schedule. You may buy home or car before the end of this lucky period. Jupiter will have good control over your eighth, 10th and 12th house to control your expenses, health and social status. Moon cycle from December 12 through 21 will prove lucky in general. Sagittarius (Nov.21 – Dec.21) Your sign Lord Jupiter to go in your third house from December 20 through May 14, 2021 to help you in short term travel, communications and sweet bonding with your relatives. Your relatives will help you in time of needs. Good chances for higher education and other academic activities. You may feel luck smiling on you. Jupiter’s strong control over your seventh, ninth and 11th house will bring happy and harmonious events in family, marriage life and social affairs. Your overseas travel cannot be ruled out during this lucky period. People connected with hospitality and religious activities will gain without extra efforts. Moon cycle from December 16 through 24 will prove lucky for finance, travelling and entertainments. Capricorn (Dec.22 – Jan.19) Jupiter to pass through your second house from December 20 through May 14, 2021 to create good amount of financial opportunities for your financial success. This Jupiter will help you create positive financial cash flow. You may pay off your old debts. Your sweet tongue will help you build up good relationships in general. You may not take undue financial risks during this period. Jupiter’s good control over your sixth, eighth and 10th house will help you control your competitors, stubborn disease and you will enjoy good social status. Politicians and social workers will enjoy good status. Moon cycle from December 16 through 24 will prove lucky for personal progress, finance and domestic affairs. Aquarius (Jan.20 – Feb.19) A benevolent and propitious passage of Jupiter from your first house from December 20 through May 14, 2021 will accelerate your personal affairs on first track. You will be relieved from your financial burdens and other problems of 2020. You may rearrange your priorities for optimum results of this lucky period. Please watch your weight gain during this period. Jupiter is considered very powerful by position and will be able to give you good results in above matters. Jupiter will have strong hold on your fifth, seventh and ninth house to help you in family, marriage, entertainment and religious matters. You may feel luck smiling on you occasionally. Moon cycle from December 11 through 15 will prove lucky and progressive in general. Pisces (Feb.20 – March 20) Your sign Lord Jupiter to go in your 12th house from December 20 through May 14, 2021 and may keep your expenses on higher side if they are not monitored closely till that date. Good and lucky time for all types of social and philanthropic work. You may take overseas travel. Jupiter will be weak by position and sign and you may have to work hard to balance to balance your finances. Jupiter will have good control over your fourth, sixth and eighth house to help you reshape your domestic affairs, control your competitors and your stubborn disease. You will enjoy good amount of mental peace and self-realization. Moon cycle from December 12 through 17 will prove lucky and progressive in general. NITIN BHATT: Ph. # 630-660-8470