By Nitin Bhatt ARIES (March 21-April 19) The dawn of this new year will start in good and lucky notes for business, profession and job-related progress for full year. Jupiter’s very strong presence in your 10th house will bring good amount of financial and social stability in your daily routine. People connected with politics and social work will have good recognition. Your self esteem will fit very high marks. Jupiter’s strong hold over your second, fourth and sixth house will improve your financial, domestic affairs and good control over your stubborn diseases. Jupiter will be retrograde from May 14th through September 13th and you may experience slow progress and some difficulties in above matters. Saturn and Jupiter both in retrograde motion from May 14th through September 13th may caution you to keep your time with patience and not to take any extra risks and responsibilities in above matters. Saturn to travel in your 11th house from March 23rd through July 2nd to consolidate your social ties and gain through friends and social circles. People connected with any and all types of hospitality business flourish during this cycle of Saturn. Saturn is very powerful by sign and house and should be able to create very powerful cycle for your personal gains and benefits. Mars your sign lord will stay in your first house from June 29th through end of this year, will brings new zeal, zest and energy for your personal affairs and progress. Use this extra energy in good ways and for good purposes. Please avoid unwanted aggravations for small and unimportant matters. This Mars will be retrograde from September 9th through November 14th and you may experience some slow progress in general in your daily routine. Your family life and marriage life would be well cared and protected during this cycle of Mars. FINANCE: Your overall financial progress during this year will be good and to your satisfaction level. Jupiter’s good control will help you payoff your debt with positive cash flow. Please control your expenses for your good financial health from February 20th through March 20th and again from May 14th through June 28th. In general, you are winner in financial matters. HEALTH: your overall health this year will be good and satisfactory. Your sixth house and eighth house are well protected by Jupiter and Saturn. Please do not careless for small health problems from May 14th through September 13th when both these planets are in retrograde motion. People suffering from joint problems and high blood pressure should be more careful during above period. STUDENTS: you are blessed by very strong Jupiter and Saturn for your academic success. Saturn will control your fifth house from March 23rd through end of this year. Please select your good academic goals and you will be able to achieve your goals. TAURUS (April 20-May 21) Year 2020 will prove lucky due to presence of Jupiter in your ninth house for full year. Your communications, religious work and foreign affairs will progress with good speed. You will feel lucky and ease in your daily routine. Jupiter will be retrograde from May 14th through September 13th which will slow down your progress in above matters. Saturn and Jupiter both will be retrograde from July 3rd through September 13th and you may experience some roadblocks in your progress. Mars will stay in your 12th house from June 29th through the end of year to keep your expenses on higher side. Please watch your expenses to avoid negative financial cycle. Also stay away from law authorities. The Mars will be retrograde from September 9th through November 14th, may baffle you in your financial calculations. Try to settle all legal matters out of court or try to defer them in year 2021. Saturn will stay in your 10th house from March 23rd through June 16th to give you positive results for business, profession and job-related progress. Saturn will be extremely powerful by sign, position and should be able to create very powerful cycle for your progress in above matters. Politicians and social workers will have very progressive period for their career. FINANCE: Mars may create more spending tendency during its cycle from May 14th through end of this year. If you monitor your expenses with good planning, you will be able to survive financially good during this year. Your outcome level will stay good. HEALTH: This year Jupiter will help you maintain good health for most part except during it’s retrograde transit from May 14th through September 13th. People suffering from high blood pressure should watch their health with care during above period. Also watch your health from March 21st through April 20th and from November 22nd through December 22nd. STUDENT: You are blessed by Jupiter’s presence through your ninth house. Good and lucky time to pursue higher education. Good and lucky time to complete unfinished academic program. GEMINI (May 22-June 21) The dawn of this year will start in a good note in area of communications, religious and foreign affairs due to good presence of Sun in your ninth house till January 15th. The most glittering part of this year is again the passage of Venus from your first house from April 4th through August 6th to create good luck in general for your personal progress and personal affairs. Venus has a tendency of laziness and over spending, so please avoid unwanted expenses for your overall good financial health. Jupiter and Saturn will occupy your eighth house for most Part of this year and may make you work hard for lesser gains. Your spouse’s finance will show positive cash flow. You must take care of your health with due care and proper medical help. Jupiter and Saturn both will be retrograde from May 14th through September 13th and may create some difficult time in general for health and finance. Mars to help from June 29th through December 31st in your social affairs and gain through friends and social circles. Good and profitable time for people connected with any and all type hospitality business. Please avoid any changes of major decisions in above matters from September 9th through November 14th. Mars is very powerful by sign and position and will certainly help you during its entire transit. Jupiter's good control over your twelfth, second and fourth house will keep you stable financially. Your domestic affairs will be protected for most part of this year. FINANCE: Your general financial situation will be average to good. Jupiter will help you to some extent to balance your budget. Please do not take any financial risk of any kind from May 14 through September 13th. You may feel lucky from March 23rd through July 3. HEALTH: Jupiter and Saturn both are weak their position and may caution you to take care of your health for major part of this year. People suffering from high blood pressure, arthritis and other joint related problems will have to take extra care of their health from May 14 through September 13th. Please also take care of your health from January 1st through 20th and from October 23rd through November 22nd. STUDENT: Jupiter and Saturn both are weak by position for most part of this year. Please work extremely hard to maintain your grad level. Please do not change your curriculum during this year. Do not take any break from study during this bad cycle of Jupiter. CANCER (June 22-July 21): This year will start on good and lucky note for family and marriage life due to strong position of Jupiter and Saturn in your seventh house for most part of this year. Good and lucky time for any and all types of partnership business and other adventures. Lucky time to tie knots with your loved ones. Jupiter and Saturn both will be retrograde from May 14th through September 13th and you may experience some slow progress. Please do not make any major decision in above matters for your long-term benefits. Saturn will shift in your eighth house from March 23rd through July 3rd and may make you work hard for lesser gains. Saturn may create some unwanted depression in your daily routine. Mars will grace your tenth house from June 29th through December 31st to accelerate your progress. Politicians and social workers will have best time of their career during this period. Mars will be retrograde from September 29th through November 14th and you may experience some sluggish and slow progress in above matters. Mars will be very strong by sign and position and will be able to create very powerful cycle for your good luck in above matters. Venus will stay in your twelfth house from April 4th through August 6th to make you spend more money for various reasons. FINANCE: Good position of Jupiter and Saturn for most part of this year to keep your finances in good shape. It’s very important to control your expenses during cycle of Venus from April 4th through August 6th. It is good times to take extra risk in partnership business. HEALTH: You are blessed by good and lucky transit of Jupiter for most part of this year. Please watch for extra pound weight gain due to Jupiter’s strong control over your first house. Watch your health during March 23rd through July 3rd during the transit of Saturn from your eighth house. People suffering from Arthritis and other joint problems should watch their health this period. Also watch your health from January 21st through February 19th and again from November 22nd through December 22nd. LEO (July 22-August 21) Year 2020 will start with mix bags of results for your business, profession and job-related progress. Jupiter passing thru your Sixth house for entire year is very weak by sign and its position. Jupiter and Saturn both in this house will be retrograde from May 14th though September 13th and you may experience slow and sluggish progress. Jupiter will have very good control over 10th, 12th and second house to help you maintain your income level and social status. You will not use your jobs or other professional work due to grace of Jupiter during entire year. Saturn to control your seventh house from March 23rd through July 3rd and from December 18th onward will help you reshape your marriage and family life. Saturn will be very powerful by sign and will create good cycle for your personal happiness. Good chances of rejoining loved one and good compromising in your marriage affairs. Saturn to control your seventh house from March 23rd through July 3rd and again from December 18th onward will help you reshape your marriage and family life. Saturn will be very powerful by sign and will create good cycle for your personal happiness. Venus to control your eleventh house from April 4th through August 6th to help you gain through your friends and social circle. People connected with any and all type of hospitality business will have windfall in their finances. Venus will be very powerful by position to create very favorable surrounding for your success. Mars to stay in your fifth house from June 29th through December 31st to keep your social calendar full of happy and joyous events. People connected with art, music and other entertainment business will flourish without extra efforts. Good time for stock market and other non-risky investments. Mars will be retrograde from September 9th through November 14th and may caution you be very conservative in your financial affairs. FINANCE: Your overall financial progress will be average to good. Please do not take any financial risks from May 14th through September 13th and September 13th through November 14th. HEALTH: Jupiter and Saturn are not favorable by their position so please take care of your health during this year. Suffering from high blood pressure, arthritis and other joint problems should work hard to take care of your health from May 14th through September 13th and also from January 1st through January 20th, February 20th through March 20th and from June 21st through July 23rd. STUDENT: Please work very hard during this academic year of 2020. Please do not drop out of any study programs. Your end results will be good due to good position of Venus, Mars and Saturn to some extent. VIRGO (August 22- September 22) This year will start on good notes for entertainment. Stock market and other investments Jupiter and Saturn controlling your 5th house will keep your entertainment calendar full of happy and joyful events. Good time for stock markets and other investments. Your kids will excel in their own field and you will be happy with their progress. Jupiter and Saturn both will be retrograde from May 14th through September 13th and you may experience slow and sluggish progress in above matters. Jupiter has good control over your ninth, first and 11th house to help you to maintain good health and gain through social affairs. You have good chances and opportunities for higher education. Saturn to stay in your sixth house from March 23rd through July 3rd to help you in your business, profession and job-related progress slowly but surely. You will have good control over your competitors and enemies. Please also take care of your health with due care. Mars will stay in your eighth house from June 29th through December 31st caution you to stay calm and sober in your daily routine. Please drive your vehicle within speed limit to avoid accidents. Please also avoid aggravations for small and unimportant matters. Please watch your health. Mars will be retrograde from September 9th through November 14th caution you not to be careless about your health. People suffering from headache and hypertension should take extra care of their health. Venus to travel in your 10th house from April 4th through August 6th to boost your business, profession and job-related progress. People connected with hotel-motel and entertainment business will have extra cash during this period. FINANCE: Your overall finance progress will be good due very good Jupiter and Venus in your fifth and 10th house. Please do not take any financial risk from May 14th through September 13th. Also stay conservative for financial affairs from May 13th through June 25th. HEALTH: Your overall health will be average to good. Mars may create some health problems during its passing from your eighth house from June 29th through December 31st. Please avoid aggravation for your good health from September 9th through November 14th. STUDENT: Jupiter is very favorable for your good academic career and achievements. Saturn also will help you for higher study and research projects. Please take extra advantage of this lucky period. LIBRA (September 22 – October 22): Your sign lord Venus to occupy your ninth house from April 4th through August 6th to shower good luck in general and you will feel luck similar on You occasionally. Your communications, religious activities and foreign affairs will be bringing happy and good endings. You may undertake overseas trip during this period. All female of this sign should wear any kind of fake or real diamond for good luck in general. Venus will be retrograde from May 13th through June 25th and you may experience some slow progress during this period. Jupiter and Saturn will be controlling your domestic affairs and will enjoy good amount of mental peace during most part of this year. People connected with any and all types of real estate business will flourish during this powerful passage of Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter and Saturn both will be retrograde from May 14th though September 13th and you may see slow progress in above matters. Your elderly family member my suffer from some health problems during this period. Jupiter’s strong hold on your eighth, 10th and 12th house will help you control your expenses and stubborn diseases. Your self esteem and social status will be elevated. Mars will be gracing your seventh house from June 29th through December 31st to make your family and marriage life enjoyable. Good time for partnership in business. Good time to tie knots with your loved ones. Good and lucky time to coax with your spouse to patch up minor differences. Mars is very powerful by sign and position and should be able to create very powerful cycle for your overall happiness. Mars will be retrograde from September 9th through November 14th and you may experience some difficulties in above matters. FINANCE: You will have very easy year for financial freedom. Jupiter’s strong position will help make good money and to control your expenses. Please do not invest any big amount in any stock market shares or other investments from May 14th through September 13th. Saturn will also help you in financial affairs from March 27th through July 3rs. HEALTH: Jupiter and Saturn combination will help you to enjoy good health for most part of this year. A very strong position of Mars also will be helpful to you during Mars lucky cycle. Please watch your health from March 21st through April 20th and from August 23rd though September 23rd. STUDENT: Jupiter and Saturn will provide good amount of academic opportunities for you for most part of this year. Good chance for advance study and research. Good time to make up for last year. SCORPIO (October 23-November 21): This year will begin on good and lucky note for short term travel, communications and happy bonding with your relatives due to good presence of Jupiter and Saturn for most part of this year. Good time to patch up any and all type of strained relationship with your relatives. You will gain through business and non-business short term travel. Your communications will bring some good luck for you. Jupiter and Saturn both are retrograde from May 14th through September 13th and you may experience slow and sluggish progress in above matters. Please do not take any decisions in above matters during this period. Jupiter’s good control over your seventh, ninth and 11th house will help you enjoy harmonious and happy family and marriage life. You will gain through friends and social circles. You may feel luck smiling on you occasionally. This Jupiter will help you undertake overseas trip. Saturn will be in your fourth house from March 23rd through July 3rd to help you enjoy domestic affairs and mental peace. People connected with any and all types of real estate will have easy and profitable time, Saturn will be in it own sign to create very powerful cycle for your success in above matters. You will feel in control of your surroundings. Your social status will be certainly elevated during this period. You may buy new car or new home by good blessings of Saturn. Mars your sign lord will be passing through your 6th house from June 29 through December 31 caution you to take care of your health and avoid aggravation for small and unimportant matters. You will have good control over your enemies and competitors. Your business, profession, and job related progress will be average to good. Mars will be retrograde from September 9th through November 14th caution you slow down in your daily routine in general. People suffering from headache and migraine should take extra care of their health. Venus to control your eighth house from April 4th through August 6th to work harder for lesser gain. Please be wise and selective in your diet and other good habits for your good health and extra weight gained. Venus will be retrograde from May 13th through June 25th and make your restless for no good reasons. Your spouses finance will certainly show positive cash flow. People suffering from diabetes should pay extra attention to their health. FINANCE: Good position of Jupiter and Saturn will help you financially successful to some extent. Venus may make you spend more than your budget from April 4th through August 6th, so please watch your expenses during this period. Please also control your expenses from May 31st through June 20th and again from September 23rd through October 22nd. HEALTH: Mars and Venus will not be favorable for your health. You should take extra care of your health in your daily routine. Jupiter and Venus will be helpful for you but you need to do your own part. STUDENT: Jupiter and Saturn will be very favorable for your academic career for whole year. Please follow your study program to make most out of it. Good chances and opportunity for higher education. SAGITARIUS (November 22 – December 22): Your sign lord Jupiter passing through your second house with Saturn for most part of this year will create good amount of financial opportunities for your financial matter. Good time to take extra risks and responsibilities in financial matter. You will be able to pay off your credit cards and other debts with positive cash flow. Jupiter and Saturn both will be retrograde from May 14th through September 13th and you may experience slow and sluggish progress in above matters. Your verbal responses will please your relatives and friends. Saturn traveling in its own sign from your third house from March 23rd through July 3rdwill help you strengthen your social ties, short term travels, and cozy relationships with relatives. Saturn will be very powerful by sign and position and will prove very lucky for you in above matters. Your overseas trip cannot be ruled out during this period. Mars to control your fifth house from June 29th through December 31st. Will keep your entertainment calendar full of happy and joyous events. Good time for stock market and other investments during this cycle of Mars if you are conservative in your financial planning. Your kids will progress in their respective fields Mars is very powerful in its sign and you will not fail to gain in above items. Venus planet of love, harmony, peace, and enjoyment control your seventh house from April 4th through August 6th will shower joy and happiness in your family and marriage life. Good time for partnerships. Good and lucky time to finalize your relationships. You may see addition in your family. Venus will be retrograde from May 13th through 25th and you may encounter some problems in above matters. Please pass this time without taking any important decisions. FINANCE: You are blessed by lucky transit of Jupiter from your second House. Please be wise and selective in your financial priorities and you will be happy with your financial progress by end of this year. Please do not take any financial risks from May 14th through September 13th HEALTH: Your overall health will be good during this year. No major health problems due to good control of Jupiter on your eight and 12th house. Please watch your health from March 21st through April 20th, from June 21st through July 23rd and again from October 23rd through November 22nd. STUDENT: Good and lucky year for students seeking higher education. You will be able to pursue your study part time during this time. You will not have any financial problems. CAPRICON (December 23-January 19) The sunrise of this year will bring good news for your personal progress and personal affairs due to presence of Jupiter and Saturn in your first house for major part of this year. Please use this time for your personal progress with good implementation. Please watch your weight as Jupiter has a weight gaining tendency. Jupiter and Saturn will be retrograde from May14th through September 13th and you may experience some difficult time and slow progress. Jupiter’s strong command over your fifth, seventh and ninth house will help you enjoy good entertainment, family and marriage life. You will feel luck favoring you in time of need and necessity. Saturn to grace your second house from March 23rd through July 3rd to create ample financial opportunities for your financial success during this period. Your progress will be slow but certain. Please try to pay off your debt with positive cash flow. Please be conservative in your selection in stock market and other investments. Saturn will also help you to fight against your old and stubborn diseases. Mars will grace your fourth house from Jun 29th through December 31st to help you enjoy domestic life and mental happiness. Mars is favorable in its own sign and house and should be able to create very powerful cycle for you to reshape your domestic life and control your surrounding affairs. People connected with any and all types of real estate business will have good, easy and profitable time. Your elderly family members will enjoy good health. You may buy real estate during this cycle of Mars. Mars will be retrograde from September 9th through November 14th and you may experience slow progress in above matters. Please avoid aggravations and haste during full cycle of Mars. Venus will stay in your sixth house from April 4th through August 6th to bring mix bags of results for your health, business, profession and job-related progress. Please be watchful and selective in your eating and drinking habits in your social parties. Venus will be retrograde from May13th through August 6th and you may experience slow progress and difficulties in above matters. Please abstain from more eating and drinking during this negative cycle of Venus. FINANCE: Your overall financial condition will be good and satisfactory. Please do not take any risks and responsibilities for your finances during good cycle of Saturn from March 23rd through July 3. Please also watch your expenses related to entertainment during cycle of Venus from April 4th through August 6th. HEALTH: You are extremely blessed by Jupiter for your good health for most part of this year. Please watch your health from May 14th through September 13th. Please watch your eating and drinking habits during Venus cycle from April 4th through August 6th. STUDENT: This is a very lucky year for your academic achievements and other extra study classes for your better feature. Good time for higher education and research project. Please take maximum advantage of 2020 for your four-fold progress. AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 19): Your sign lord Saturn shifting your first house on March 23rd through July 3rd will bring good amount of relief for your personal progress and personal affairs. The stalled progress since December 20th, 2017 will start in positive direction with positive results. All your hardships and sufferings will come to end. This Saturn will stay in your first house to give you enough good luck till March 23rd, 2023. Jupiter to grace your 12th house for this year may tilt your expenses in higher side. You may encounter unwanted on unnecessary expenses for no good reasons. This Jupiter has good side to help you do more charitable and social work. Your religious faith will be reestablished and stronger than before. Jupiter and Saturn both will be retrograde from May 14th through September 13th and you may experience more financial problems and other obstacles in general. You may also find slow progress in your religious work. Mars will stay in your third house from May 14th through December 31st to help you boost your social ties. Your relatives will help you in time of need. Your short terms travel and communication will bring positive results. Mars will be retrograde from September 9th through November 14th and you may experience some problems in above matters. Mars is very powerful by sign and position will certainly help you get your desired goals and results. Jupiter’s strong hold on your fourth, sixth and eighth house will help you to reshape your domestic affairs and control your stubborn diseases. FINANCE:This year you must work very hard to maintain your good financial status. Financial aspect is the only aspect you should plan extremely well for your feature. Please be frugal and wise in financial matters from May 14th through September 13th. HEALTH: Jupiter and Saturn will help you maintain good health to some extent during this year. Please watch your May 14th through September 13th. Please be watchful for your health from January 1st through January 20th, June 21st through July 22nd and again August 23rd through September 23rd. STUDENT: This year your Jupiter is weak so please work hard to maintain your good grades. Saturn will help you in study after March 23rd. Please do not take too much academic loads this year. PISCES (February 20-March 20): Your sign lord Jupiter passing through your 11th house with Saturn for most part of the year will help you gain through friends and social circles. This is a very strong position for Jupiter to create most powerful cycle for all types of benefits you incur from your friends and social circles. People connected with any and all types of hospitality business will have very profitable and busy period for most part of this year. Jupiter’s strong control over your fifth, seventh and third house will make your short terms travel easy and enjoyable. Your social calendar will be full of happy and joyous events, your marriage life and family life will be very smooth, easy and enjoyable. Jupiter and Saturn will be retrograde from May 14th through September 13th and you may notice some slow progress and unhappiness in above matters. Saturn will be entering in your 12th house from March 23rd through June 16th and again on December 18th onward may create some obstacles in your personal progress and personal affairs in general. Please avoid all types of unwanted and unimportant expenses for your good financial health, please also avoid all legal matters during this period. Mars to grace your second house from June 29th through December 31st to give you good result for financial matters to some extent. Mars is very powerful by sign and may help you in stock market and other non-risky investments if you are very careful about your selections. Mars will be retrograde from September 9th through November 14th, so please do not take any financial risk during this period. Please be wise and courteous to your verbal responses to everybody not to spoil your good relationships. Mars may give you bitter tongue during this period. FINANCE: Mars will help maintain good financial status during later half of this this year from June 29th through December 31st. Jupiter will help you in your overall financial performance. Please watch your expenses from January 1st though January 15th and again March 23rd through July 3rd. HEALTH: Your health will score positive points due to good cycle of Jupiter for most part of this year. Please watch your health from March 23rd through July 3rd. Please also watch your health from July 23rd through August 23rd and from September 23rd through October 22nd. STUDENT: Jupiter's controls your fifth house will give you good opportunities for academic performance. Please take advantage of this lucky period to build your solid future. (Nitin Bhatt is a civil engineer by profession and an astrologer by choice. He holds an MS degree in civil engineering, and is familiar with the Nirayan (Hindu) as well as the Western systems of astrology. He is also familiar with numerology. He has written articles on astrology in various newspapers and published yearly forecast booklets. He learnt astrology from his guru, the late Mr. Chandrakant Bhatt. Nitin Bhatt can be reached at (630) 660-8470 or E-mail:
Yearly star forecast 2020
- by Rinku
- January 04, 2020 2 minutes