Ahmedabad: The police have launched a hunt for a group who allegedly gang-raped a 22-year-old woman in a moving car, filmed the incident and blackmailed her for a one night stand or a ransom of Rs 50,000 in March, and again molested her on June 26. The woman filed a complaint with Satellite police on June 29 after Abhayam, a government helpline, counseled her to do so. She has identified Ahmedabad resident Vrushbh Maru and Gaurav Dalmia as the main accused and also named one Yamini Nair and an unidentified woman, who allegedly helped the accused in blackmailing her. “The accused have gone underground. The police have launched a hunt to find them,” said an official. According to the FIR, in the first incident, the woman was riding her bike when an SUV intercepted her near Nehrunagar circle. Four masked men then forced her inside the car, two of whom took turns to rape her while the other two filmed the incident. The accused took her phone and purse and abandoned her, but these were returned later by two women — one of whom was Nair. The police said the accused, whom she apparently knew, later contacted her on social media and asked for ransom or a one-night stand. They threatened to release the clip, if their demand was not met. The FIR also said that she had given Rs 3,700 and a gold ring to the accused but was again abducted and molested in a moving car by the same accused. The police said the woman had approached Abhayam, a government-run women’s helpline. Abhayam’s counsellor convinced her to register a police complaint.
Woman gang-raped, filmed, blackmailed for one night stand in Ahmedabad
- by Rinku
- June 29, 2018 2 minutes