We always hear “Health is wealth” and now a days everyone is very conscious about their health. Age does not matter, it may be school-going children or elderly people, everyone loves their health. They want to stay fit as well as look good too. Sometimes you ask women; why you want to be so fit and healthy? And they will answer I want to wear all kind of clothes! So yes, health is playing an important role in life. The new generation is also becoming more conscious. We know fast food is not healthy, but still we want to eat out. So now you have to make choices that are healthier and tasty food choices are available in market. Most easy and very healthy things now a days are juices, smoothies or shakes. We need to learn how Vastu Shastra can help you to run this business very successfully. Vastu plays a significant role with any commercial premises. The size or ownership status does not matter. Vastu principles influence everything. If we can take care of it then it would be win-win situation for us. When choosing or constructing a store, make sure it is facing east. East direction gives you fame and is the perfect direction for good health. Since our product has to do with health, we should try and get the right direction. Corner stores are great as well. Try to keep your store front more open with glass that helps sunlight enter inside the store premises. As we know, due to city rules and regulations, we do not get exactly get what we want but Vastu Shastra has lots of alternative through which you can balance energy flow. Once everything is finalized, we need to start interior designing and taking care of the Vastu aspect. Since its interior, we can make certain changes and balance flow of energy. how we set up the counter is very important. It should be in clockwise manner. This is so customers will have smooth and easy movements as well as easy serving for staff. Secondly, if you are planning to have a seating arrangement, it is advisable that tables are shaped rectangular or square. Keep pictures related to nature, farm, food, tree, fruits and vegetables. Since all of these represent water and it is a cold product, we need to take care of its surrounding looks. This is time we need to be very careful arranging the back-end kitchen and storage area. Fruits, vegetables and dairy products have to be stored in a specific temperature. Therefore, Vastu has specific norms and if you follow them, it will help. Food storage or freezers should be kept in the North-West corner. This corner is basically called the air corner and that helps to keep all edibles very fresh. Secondly all electrical gadgets we use to make different items need to be placed towards the South-East corner. Since it is the fire corner, all electrical instruments or machines can be placed there as per requirement. Smoothies, Juices and Shakes all are natural products with natural ingredients which leads to good health. Also taking care of Vastu principles will always help in several ways. Mainly harmony among employees and employers. Secondly, it creates a pleasant environment for our customers who comes to our store. As we know, Vastu brings Peace, Prosperity and Happiness and everyone is looking for that. So, you can grow your business and business growth brings financial stability. When we thinking of prosperity or fame of our business we need to consider every small aspect that can help grow our business. Vastu does help to take you to the next level where you can fulfill your dream of being a successful entrepreneur. Kalpesh Joshi. Principal Vastu Consultant Vastu Vision Inc. 1 888 41 VASTU (82788) kalpesh@vastuvision.com Vastu & Business Consultant Kalpesh Joshi is visiting UAE and India; will be available at *October 13th to 14th 2019 HILTON MUMBAI *October 14th to 15th 2019 RENAISSANCE AHMEDABAD *October 16th to 19th 2019 ITC GRAND GOA *October 20th to 21st 2019 THE GRAND BHAGWATI SURAT *October 21st to 22nd 2019 VASTU VISION VADODARA *October 23rd to 24th 2019 CONRAD, DUBAI *October 24th to 26th 2019 SHERTON HOTEL, ABU DABHI :: Call India+91 94263 23401 :: WhatsApp +1 647 998 6107