He was crowned the tallest across the globe at his first world championship event in Belgium, where he towered over the previous title holder, an American who was 6’ 6”.
Since then, he has become somewhat of a local celebrity in Shrewsbury, Shrops, where he is recognized everywhere he goes.
“Standing at 7’ 2” and with a big beard, I am instantly recognizable,” he said.
He was a body double for the British actor Edward Woodward in the 1984 film A Christmas Carol, playing the character The Ghost of Christmas Present.
“My height is an advantage because I can shout over the crowds but it does not really matter how tall you are. You have just got to have a good voice.”
Since then, he has become somewhat of a local celebrity in Shrewsbury, Shrops, where he is recognized everywhere he goes.
“Standing at 7’ 2” and with a big beard, I am instantly recognizable,” he said.
He was a body double for the British actor Edward Woodward in the 1984 film A Christmas Carol, playing the character The Ghost of Christmas Present.
“My height is an advantage because I can shout over the crowds but it does not really matter how tall you are. You have just got to have a good voice.”