Mumbai, Nov 28 (IANS) The wedding ceremony of actress Priyanka Chopra and her American singer beau Nick Jonas has officially started with a puja ceremony, here. Priyanka and Nick stepped outside to meet and greet the fans and media. The couple was seen waving at the fans and happily smiling for the camera crew. Soon to be bride Priyanka Chopra, who was seen wearing a heavily embellished aqua green suit, was spotted entering her mother Madhu Chopra's home for the puja, while mingling with Nick's brother Joe Jonas and his fiance Sophie Turner. The Desi Girl was also sporting sunglasses, shoulder-grazing earrings and the wedding diamond ring, which Nick gave her during the proposal. Nick was also seen sporting traditional Indian outfit, an embroidered pink kurta paired with cream pajamas and sunglasses. Nick's brother Joe Jonas and his fiance Sophie Turner were also seen at the venue wearing traditional Indian Outfits. The Royal Wedding of Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas will take place at Umaid Bahwan Palace in Jodhpur. The couple has hired few helicopters to take them straight to the venue from the airport. There will be two different style weddings, one Hindu and second Christian. The ceremony and festivities will be a private affair with only the family and some close friends present at the palace. The Mehendi and sangeet ceremony will be held on November 29 at the Umaid Bhawan, where Nick will perform a medley of his songs and Priyanka will be performing a few of her hit dance numbers. The pre-wedding ceremonies will continue with a haldi ceremony on November 30. A cocktail party has also been organized for the two families, relatives and friends before the big day. The Royal Palace - Umaid Bhawan - will be shut down for tourists from November 29 till December 3 for "security reasons".
Priyanka, Nick wedding ceremony starts with traditional puja
- by Rinku
- November 29, 2018 2 minutes
Mumbai: Actress Priyanka Chopra with her fiancé and American singer Nick Jonas after completing their puja ceremony at her mother Madhu Chopra's residence in Mumbai, on Nov 28, 2018. The wedding ceremony of the actress and her American singer beau has officially started with the puja ceremony. (Photo: IANS)