New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on May 15 accused the Opposition of using “underhand methods” to subvert democracy. Referring to the day’s dramatic events that saw both the Congress and the BJP staking claim to form government, Modi said the Opposition was “doing what it did in West Bengal”. "I want to assure people of Karnataka that the BJP will not allow the Opposition parties to trample their verdict," he said in his address to the party’s Parliamentary Board. Modi also called results of the Karnataka assembly “extraordinary”, and said they proved the efficacy of the BJP. Modi said: “I want to assure people if Karnataka that the BJP will leave no stone unturned to take them to a bright future”. He also accused rival Congress of trying to create a “north-south” divide, Modi had been a star campaigner for the BJP in the state assembly elections. Also addressing the meeting, BJP national president Amit Shah mocked the Congress saying “that those with 43 seats in Lok Sabha” were trying to stake claim, and accused his rivals of using money power and caste politics to “divide Karnataka”, He said that the party’s winning of 104 seats, up from the 40 in 2013, spoke volumes of the party’s potential. “Our victory march is not going to stop. In the coming elections as well the BJP will win with convincingly. The BJP will return to power at the Centre with a bigger number,” he said, thanking Prime Minister Modi “for working like a common worker of the BJP”. The Congress with 78 seats in assembly elections and the Janata Dal (Secular) with 38 have staked claim to form government despite the BJP emerging as the single largest party in the state.
PM hails Karnataka results; says Congress ‘subverting’ democracy
- by Rinku
- May 15, 2018 2 minutes
Modi - Karnataka win