Mumbai, Feb 3 (IANS) Actress Parineeti Chopra says as an actor she is always looking for ways to challenge herself, and her role in upcoming psychological suspense drama, The Girl On The Train, gave her an opportunity to do so. "‘The Girl On The Train' was an entirely different experience for me as I have never played this kind of a role before. Getting into the character of Meera Kapoor and working closely with (director) Ribhu (Dasgupta) to bring her to life was an immense learning experience for me," Parineeti said. "As an actor, I have always wanted to challenge myself with more, and this role gave me the opportunity to do so. 'The Girl On The Train' will take the audiences on a dark journey trying to piece together the reality of who actually committed the crime and have them guessing the truth," she added. The film is an official Hindi remake of the Hollywood thriller The Girl On The Train, which is based on Paula Hawkins' 2015 bestseller of the same name. The Hollywood version by Tate Taylor featured Emily Blunt in the lead role. The Hindi remake follows the story of Meera (Parineeti), who fixates on the perfect lives of a couple she watches from afar during her daily train commutes. One day, she witnesses something out of the ordinary that shocks her. The film also stars Aditi Rao Hydari, Kirti Kulhari and Avinash Tiwary. Talking about the film, director Dasgupta said: "The book enticed me tremendously, and I am excited to have the opportunity to bring this version of the story to screens around the world. This film has been a real ride of emotion and passion for me. I am happy that the trailer will drop on Netflix and everyone will see a glimpse of the world we have created." The film was due to release theatrically in May 2020, but got pushed due to the Covid pandemic. It will now premiere on Netflix on February 26.
Parineeti Chopra: 'The Girl On The Train' let me challenge myself
- by Rinku
- February 03, 2021 2 minutes
Actress Parineeti Chopra says as an actor she is always looking for ways to challenge herself, and her role in upcoming psychological suspense drama, The Girl On The Train, gave her an opportunity to do so.