Jan. 21 to Jan. 27

Jan. 21 to Jan. 27



Dr. C.L. Shastri, a well-known Sanskrit scholar and educationist from Gujarat, guides the community in religious and cultural spheres.  Dr. Shastri is the president of Sanskrit Association in Chicago. He is a popular astrologer with a Ph.D. degree.  He can be reached at 630-422-5078. Please mention your date of birth, time and place.

Aries (March 20-April 19): Saturn stays sixth, Venus is ninth, Mars, your ruler, is 10th and Jupiter is 12.  The week’s planets indicate that you may buy a new vehicle within a few days. Remain more affectionate to the spouse and brothers.  Jupiter is favorable to your financial issues.  Prestige in society will be enjoyed. Health is good.

Taurus (April 20-May 20): Ketu is second, Venus, your ruler, is sixth, Mercury is seventh, Mars stays eighth and Jupiter is 11th.  Venus indicates a travel, which will be enjoyable and successful. Do not take  burdensome responsibilities in community affairs. A minor romance is shown by Mercury.  You will be attracted to religious events and spirituality, and will find inner joy.

Gemini (May 21-June 21): Mercury, your ruler, is sixth.  Rahu and the Sun are seventh, Saturn is fourth and Jupiter stays 10th.  Mercury affects favorably your karma house.  Hence financial worries may be removed.  Jupiter keeps your health perfect and indicates that your personal and domestic issues will provide joy.  Do not confide in everyone. Competitors in your field will be defeated.

Cancer (June 22-July 21): Saturn stays third, Venus is fourth, the Moon, your ruler, is fifth, Mars stays 10th and Jupiter is ninth.  Your financial side needs attention as Saturn does not seem favorable.  You will get full cooperation at work from colleagues and in the home from the spouse.  Avoid any kind of emotional attachment, which could disturb you.  Health will need proper attention as minor ailments may occur.  Religious involvement would please you.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 21): Venus is third and the Sun, your ruler, stays fifth. Jupiter remains eighth.  Keep important issues confidential. A mild romance is possible.  You can take risks, but do not be too trusting.  Good news about children’s achievement would please you.  Emotional concerns are favorable and a loved one brings delightful moments. Domestic peace and good health will prevail.  There will be inner push towards religion.

Virgo (Aug. 22-Sept. 21): Mercury, your ruler, stays third, Mars and Rahu remain fourth, Venus stays second and Jupiter is seventh.  Well-wishers will support you in your financial projects. You may not overspend money to buy fancy things.  Romance is in the air and a person you love would come closer.  Your mood will remain cheerful.  Domestic environment will be harmonious.

Libra (Sept. 22-Oct. 21): Venus is first, Mercury is second, Mars and Rahu are third, Saturn stays 12th and Jupiter remains sixth. This week seems as if a test for your endurance due to Saturn’s impact on your family affairs.  Community events should be avoided, as they will bring criticism.  Health trend may not be outstanding due to Rahu’s effect.  The spouse provides pleasant moments.  Travel is possible.

Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 21): Mercury stays first, Sun,  Mars and Rahu stay second, Saturn is 11th and Jupiter remains fifth. Financial matters should run smoothly as Mars, your ruler, generates good and pleasant opportunities.  A parent may suffer from a prolonged illness, but it will not be serious.  Your own health stays very well without any hindrance.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Saturn stays 10th, Mercury is 12th, Jupiter, your ruler, is fourth and Venus stays 12th.  Due to Saturn’s effect, you must remain careful during traveling and driving.  Favorable indications of Jupiter keep you in good health and provide strength and skills concerning your undertakings. You will enjoy mental and physical bliss. Social involvement should make you cheerful.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan.19): Jupiter is third, Saturn, your ruler, is ninth and Venus is 12th.  The week is a favorable period initially for health and work. A long-standing dispute will be solved. Your incomplete jobs will be duly completed.  A loved one shows warmth and remains closer.  Domestic harmony prevails with the spouse’s sweet behavior.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Ketu remains fifth, Saturn is eighth, Venus stays ninth and Jupiter is second.  Financially, you will remain strong with many sources of income.  Overconfidence in monetary matters and partnership may be harmful. A soft dealing with the spouse and children will keep your home full of delight.

Pieces (Feb. 19-March 19): Jupiter, your ruler, is in the first house of your chart, Venus is eighth and Rahu remains 10th.  Your finances stay under the adverse effect of Mars, hence remain  watchful in any financial steps you may be proposing.  Minor ailments  may occur, but the health stays generally good.  Do not criticize others and avoid domestic quarrels  especially with elder children.  However, due to spouse’s behavior, home life will be cheerful.

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