Hathras (Uttar Pradesh), Oct 5 (IANS) Members of the 'Savarn Samaj' (or the upper caste) threw ink at Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MP Sanjay Singh when he was on his way to meet the family of the Hathras victim. The police have arrested one Deepak Sharma who belong to the 'Savarn Samaj' group. The accused was reportedly shouting slogans like "PFI ke dalalon wapas jao". The state government has said that outfits like PFI have been responsible for hatching a conspiracy to create caste tensions in the state. An open FIR has also been filed against unnamed people in this regard. The AAP delegation, later proceeded to the Bulgarhi village to meet the bereaved family.
Ink thrown at AAP's Sanjay Singh in Hathras
- by Rinku
- October 05, 2020 2 minutes
Inked: AAP's Sanjay Singh in Hathras.