In the last two years, since the patent protection for the branded Viagra expired in the US and Canada, generics of this drug began to experience a new round of take-off in their popularity. In other countries, this, without any doubt, a significant event occurred back in 2017. But the active entry into the generics market of players from such large countries as the US and Canada has become a turning point for the recent history of drugs for combating erectile dysfunction based on Sildenafil citrate. Generic versions of Viagra are not just cheaper, they cannot be compared with their prototype in terms of price, and this is a proven fact. How can a $180 pill stand against $2 one? The answer is obvious: in no way possible. A certain percentage of men still prefer the original. These are either inquisitive and wealthy people who did not bother to find out about the existence of Pfizer branded Viagra generics in principle and simply followed the recommendation of their doctor, paying attention not to the active substance of the drug, but to its trade name, or people who are obsessed with the brand from the category of those who buy only haute couture silk socks. Most ordinary Americans, on the contrary, were delighted with the opportunities that had opened up to purchase a medicine to improve their potency at an affordable price. When generics of any drugs appear, this means that the original drug is a wild success. The original Viagra - pills to enhance erection created by the American company Pfizer - appeared on the shelves of American pharmacies in April 1998, generics began to be produced only in 2017, and today the number of their options on the international pharmaceutical market has already exceeded four dozen items. Today, many men, even in their prime, are faced with the question of how to buy a cheap generic Viagra in order to restore weakened potency and return to a normal sex life. If you had difficulties in bed and paid a visit to the urologist, most likely he did not say a word about Viagra generics and where and how you can buy them, but simply wrote you a prescription for Viagra. Even if you take branded Viagra two or three times a week for a month, it turns out that you could buy a new refrigerator or redecorate your home with the money spent. It doesn't look similar to a stimulus for potency. And on the shelves of American local pharmacies, generics are rare, you need to look for them. In addition, although they are cheaper than the original, they are by no means as expensive as articles on the Internet promise. Fortunately, there is a way out: buying generic Viagra in online pharmacies. Among them there are American pharmacies with American generics, but the offers of large international and foreign pharmacies that deliver generics produced in countries such as India, Canada, Hungary, Australia, and which are especially low cost, are much more attractive. Making an order is simple as ABC, all payments are carried out online, and everything you have to do is to wait for the arrival of your parcel.