By Kalpesh Joshi The room you feel the most sentimental in is usually the family room. This room has a real attachment of each family member; where you can typically meet every family member during the day. Equally, in Vastu Shastra, this room is also considered one of the important parts of the home. Nowadays, we all want to do something different, however, whilst in our own comfort zone and with our most beloved family members. Whether it is reading, watching television, being with close relatives or friends, we need our own space. That space is one that we get only in one multipurpose room, which is called the Family Room. In accordance with Vastu, the family room has several specific customs which help us to help to keep our family in harmony. The family room can be in North-West, West, North or even the East side of a home. The arrangement however is slightly little different than the living room. This is in view that the purpose of the family room serves a different purpose than the living area in a home. For the most part, the seating arrangements play an important role. It’s always advisable that you sit facing East or North or North-East so that while doing any activity you face the East or North direction. In the family room, the family watches TV together; so, TV can be placed on the East wall. Sometimes you have a fireplace in the family room, which is good, although, make sure it's towards South-East or North-West side of the room. Similarly, we keep water body also in family room, like: table fountain, fish aquarium or natural plants. All these things can be in North-East, East or North-West corner. You must be wondering why I had advised fire and water in the North-West side. It is because North-West direction is the corner of air; and air is friendly with water and fire. One or the other depends upon your home design. We all also love to put lots of pictures and sculpture in this room, but we have to make sure which pictures of sculptures are the best, as per Vastu Shastra. First off, a family picture can go on the East wall; and if you want to keep your ancestors’ picture in this room, you can, but they should be on the south wall so that it faces North. By placing them facing North, you are always blessed by them and it will bring family harmony to each family member. Other things we want more of are expensive and unique items to be placed in this room. Most of the time, it includes memories like an award or other achievements of our family members which can be placed here. That being said, we need to know where and how it can be placed. Most importantly, if you are putting up a sculpture or statue, it has to be complete one it can’t be just head or half body of an animal or human being. The reason behind this is according to Vastu Shastra, whatever you place in the home, energy flows by that; if it is not complete, energy breaks and some time it may become negative energy. Therefore, you may want to have the right things in the right place, which can bring more positive energy to this room. Above all, a family portrait can only be placed in this room and it cannot be placed anywhere else in the home. The designing of this room is very important and should have all the comforts you want along with all-natural aspects designed per Vastu Shastra. Preferably we should have a large window in the family room with lower seating. Also, you can have a swing in this room or a massage chair. That can be placed on the west or south side of the room. If you are planning to have something to relax on, you should make sure that you never sleep on it facing your head North. Try to have multi-colored or light colors in the room. Design this room in such a way that it does not have many corners, the preferred amount is four. Curtains can be light colors and long. This room can have space for a pet also in the North-West corner. These are the main aspects one should keep into consideration while making or redesigning a family room. Due to this room holding a special space in the heart of every family member. Generally, many important decisions or discussions are made here. Also, it has a different feeling for all to gather either with family or friends, you have a higher comfort level. Trying these changes may bring more happiness to your home. Kalpesh Joshi. Principal Vastu Consultant Vastu Vision Inc. 1 888 41 VASTU (82788)