Srinagar, Oct 5 (IANS) Union Home Minister Amit Shah chaired a high-level security meeting on Wednesday in Jammu and Kashmir. Lt. Governor Manoj Sinha was also at the meeting, which was attended by senior police, paramilitary and intelligence officers of the union territory and the Centre. Shah took a review of anti-militancy operations in the UT and directed the security agencies to show zero tolerance towards terrorism while ensuring that innocent people are protected. 'Begonah ko Chedna Nahi aur Gunehgar ko chodna Nahi' (Don't touch the innocent and don't let the guilty go away). He also advised the security agencies to ensure that J&K becomes completely terrorism free so that people live in peace and get benefitted from the various developmental and welfare programmes of the government. Additional Chief secretary (Home) R.K. Goyal, J&K DGP, Dilbag Singh, R.R. Swain, DG (CID), senior officers of CRPF, BSF, SSB, intelligence agencies attended the meeting.
Don't touch innocents, don't spare the guilty: Shah to J&K security agencies
- by Rinku
- October 05, 2022 2 minutes
Amit Shah holds high level meeting on security in Jammu and Kashmir.