Chennai: DMK working President M K Stalin on September 11 said his party will move a no-confidence motion against the K. Palanisamy government in the event of the assembly being convened. The Leader of Opposition, who has been demanding that Governor Ch Vidyasagar Rao direct a floor test for the government, also questioned the claims of ruling dispensation that it had the required majority. "If the Chief Minister has the guts to prove the confidence on him (by way of a confidence vote), he will recommend to the Governor to convene the Assembly. If they convene the Assembly, we will certainly move no-confidence motion," he said. Stalin had on Sunday called on the Governor and urged him to direct the state government to prove its majority in the assembly within a week, in the wake of the revolt by 19 AIADMK MLAs against the Chief Minister last month. He had also said that if the governor did not act on their plea within a week, the party would take legal recourse and also approach "people's court."
DMK will move no trust motion if assembly is convened: MK Stalin
- by Rinku
- September 12, 2017 2 minutes