Mumbai, May 13 (IANS) Stock market major BSE on Thursday reported a consolidated net profit of Rs 31.75 crore for the fourth quarter (Q4) of 2020-21. According to the company, the Q4 consolidated net profit increased to Rs 31.75 crore from Rs 1.91 crore reported for the Q4FY20. In terms of the financial year, the BSE reported a rise of 17 per cent in its consolidated net profit to Rs 141.70 crore from Rs 120.61 crore reported for FY20. "The Board of Directors of BSE Ltd has recommended a final dividend of Rs 21 per equity share having face value of Rs 2 for the financial year 2020-21, subject to the approval of the shareholders in the ensuing annual general meeting," the company said in the results statement. "The total payout with a dividend payout ratio of 99 per cent of the current year profits would be Rs 96.19 crore."
BSE's Q4FY21 consolidated net profit rises over Rs 31 cr
- by Rinku
- May 13, 2021 2 minutes
Stock Market. (IANS Infographics)