Panaji, Mar 18 (PTI) BJP's Pramod Sawant will be the new Chief Minister of Goa, party sources said Monday. Two MLAs from the BJP alliance partners will be made deputy Chief Ministers as part of the compromise reached with allies, they said. The BJP managed to break the deadlock in Goa, offering key allies their pound of flesh, by accepting their demand for deputy CM's posts. Sawant is now Speaker of Goa Legislative Assembly. He will succeed Manohar Parrikar who died Sunday. The two would-be Dy CMs are Goa Forward Party chief Vijai Sardesai and MGP MLA Sudin Dhavalikar. "We have managed to convince the alliance partners and finalized the formula of two deputy Chief Ministers for the state, a senior BJP functionary said. The swearing in ceremony is likely to be held at 9 pm Monday, he said.
BJP man to be Goa CM; allies manage to get 2 Day CM's posts
- by Rinku
- March 18, 2019 2 minutes
Pramod Sawant