After the massive success of Sacred Games, Saif Ali Khan’s brand power has seen resurgence. Within days of Netflix announcing the second season of the show, the first look of actor’s next film, Bazaar, landed on social media. Saif plays a banker in Bazaar and the poster shows him with the stock exchange display as the background. “Paisa, Power, Dhanda. Shakun Kothari, loved by some, envied by many, feared by everyone,” the caption reads. Bazaar brings together Saif with his Sacred Games’ co-star Radhika Apte. The film also stars Chitrangda Singh and introduces Rohan Mehra. At an event in August, filmmaker Nikkhil Advani spoke about looking for the right time to release the film. “We are just looking for the right day. I know Baazaar will always be the No. 2 film. Saif, in the lull that he is going through now post Chef, post Kaalakandi, I know the film that I am making is going to be the No. 2 film, and I can say that from the rooftops,” he said. He also spoke about Saif’s career graph. “This is possibly Saif’s best performance after Omkara, but even when the trailer comes out, you will think, ‘Should I spend a thousand rupees to see this film? I can watch it on Netflix or Amazon or TV when it comes… So should I spend the money?’” he added.
Bazaar first look: Saif Ali Khan ages, crosses the line
- by Rinku
- September 25, 2018 2 minutes
Saif Ali Khan