Mumbai, Aug 31 (IANS) Director Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury has wrapped up shooting for his upcoming film 'Lost'. He says the film makes one question today's reality. The film features Yami Gautam in the lead as a crime reporter, and the movie will comment on the issues of media integrity in today's time. While sharing his excitement, Aniruddha said: "'Lost' in its drama makes you question today's reality. It was a pleasure giving shape to the story along with Shyamal and see him turn it into one of the finest scripts, and it was equally exhilarating to make the vision come alive on celluloid. He added: "It was an incredible experience of crafting this film with one of the most passionate casts and crew. I am excited to present what we have created to the world, and I hope they shower it with much love." Along with Yami, the film features Pankaj Kapur, Rahul Khanna and an ensemble of younger talent, including Neil Bhoopalam, Pia Bajpiee, and Tushar Pandey, in pivotal roles. The story is written by Shyamal Sengupta and Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury and screenplay is by Shyamal Sengupta and dialogues by Ritesh Shah, respectively, while the music is composed by Shantanu Moitra with Swanand Kirkire as a lyricist. The film is produced by Zee Studios, Shareen Mantri Kedia, Kishor Arora, Sam Fernandes and Indrani Mukherjee.
Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury: 'Lost' makes you question today's reality
- by Rinku
- August 31, 2021 2 minutes