Oct. 23 to Oct. 29

Oct. 23 to Oct. 29


Dr. C.L. Shastri, a well-known Sanskrit scholar and educationist from Gujarat, guides the community in religious and cultural spheres.  Dr. Shastri is the president of Sanskrit Association in Chicago. He is a popular astrologer with a Ph.D. degree.  He can be reached at 630-422-5078. Please mention your date of birth, time and place.

Aries (March 20-April 19):
Jupiter stays 12th, Saturn and Mercury remain sixth, Mars and Venus stay in the seventh house.  Your comfort level will rise and you will enjoy peace.  Lovers will enjoy with trust, devotion and sweet moments.  Your finances remain stable.  Grown-up children will please you with their progress and will give respect to you.

Taurus (April 20-May 20):
Mars stays sixth, Venus, your ruler, is also sixth.  Jupiter is 11th and Rahu is eighth. Venus revolves around your prosperity and security.  Avoid a financial dispute even if you are sure that law is in your side. Traveling may become tiring, but fruitful.  Keep your important contacts renewed.

Gemini (May 21-June 21): Mars and Venus stay fifth, Rahu is seventh, Mercury, your ruler, stays fourth and Jupiter remains 10th.  You should practice much caution while driving and avoid use of a cell phone.  Stay away from the controversy in the community.  Friends and families will remain  extremely cooperative.  This is a good week to initiate new schemes concerning your work.

Cancer (June 22-July 21): Ketu and Moon, your ruler, stay 12th, Jupiter is ninth, Saturn and Mercury are second, and Rahu stays sixth.  The week’s lunar position highlights your business and standing in the community.  The planetary scenario features originality, and religious values will surface.  Jupiter shows you will enjoy family peace and happiness.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 21):
The Sun, your ruler, stays second with Mercury and Saturn, Mars and Venus are third and Jupiter stays eighth.  Saturn and Mars will create domestic and social problems.  Too much involvement in so-called religious events and community issues will bring deep emotional crisis.  Someone is trying to  mislead you emotionally.  Remain carefully.

Virgo (Aug. 22-Sept. 21): Mercury, your ruler, stays first with Saturn and Sun.  Rahu is fourth and Ketu stays 10th, and Jupiter remains seventh.  A loving atmosphere will prevail at home.  Physical health stays good.  The week appears delightful.  This week appears also a good time to start new schemes. Good return on them are possible.

Libra (Sept. 22-Oct. 21): Venus, your ruler, stays first with Mars.  Jupiter is sixth, Sun and Mercury stay with Saturn in the second house.  The Moon is in your eighth house and may cause some domestic trouble.  Health may also deteriorate.  The spouse needs loving attention.  A trip appears possible and children will bring delight.

Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 21): Mars, your ruler, stays 12th with Venus, Mercury and Saturn stay 11th, and Jupiter remains fifth.  Mars keeps your health vibrant, and an affectionate environment in the domestic sphere will prevail. A social event may take place and you may have to incur some unexpected expenses.  The employment atmosphere remains peaceful, but the spouse’s health may cause some worry.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Mars and Venus stay 11th, Jupiter, your ruler, stays fourth and Saturn and Mercury are 10th. Your weekly chart shows that you will remain more enterprising and energetic.  Rahu brings rivals in your work field, but you will remain the winner.  A softer and sweeter dealing with the spouse will help to enjoy domestic pleasure.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan.19): Rahu stays 12th, Mars and Venus are 10th, Jupiter stays third and Mercury stays ninth.  Better results are possible in your financial endeavors.  Jupiter is helpful. Health appears excellent.  Attend social and religious functions in the community.  Your boss or superior will remain pleased with your work.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Rahu stays 11th, Saturn, your ruler, stays eighth with Mercury and Jupiter remains second.  The second house of the money shows that you may be able to  earn  as per your expectations.  You may have minor psychological problems with the spouse.  Avoid differences of opinion on important matters.  A past loving person will resurface and may provide mental joy.

Pisces (Feb19-March 19): Jupiter, your ruler, stays in the first house, Saturn and Mercury are seventh and Rahu is 10th.  Jupiter favorably affects your first house of health, so you will enjoy robust health.  An addition in the family through a  birth or a marriage is possible.  However, your social image does not seem favorable due to harm done by your enemies.

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