May 8 to May 14

May 8 to May 14


Aries (March 20-April 19): During this week, your chart shows Mercury and Venus are in the third house, Saturn stays sixth and Mars is in fourth house. The Moon’s transit to your sign may give you good health and energy.  Family members may create some tension.  Relief will be brought by Jupiter.  A warm relationship should prevail with the spouse.

Taurus (April 20-May 20): 
Ketu is in your second house, Saturn is fifth, Jupiter is tenth and Venus, your ruler, is 12th.  Venus and the Sun show that you may be trapped in some law-related problem. The adverse talk about your character will not harm you, although enemies will try to do that. Your property-related disputes, if any, will be solved amicably.  

Gemini (May 21-June 21): 
During this week, Mars stays second, Saturn is fourth, Jupiter is ninth and Mercury, your ruler, is seventh. You may assess your past activity for taking up a new financial project.  Family environment will remain pleasant. Social events would attract, but stay away from the financial side of community matters.

Cancer (June 22-July 21): 
During the week, Mars is in the first house, Saturn is third and Moon says fourth. It is possible that the health of an elderly member of the family or a child may disturb you.  But that will be a minor disturbance. Generally a pleasant mood will prevail, but the spouse may be stopped from indulging in outside activities.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 21):  Saturn stays second, Rahu is eighth and Jupiter remains seventh. The Sun, your ruler, shows that your family life can be bitter with the clashes and confrontations with the spouse and other eminent family members.  Misunderstandings may crop up between you and the spouse.  Be ready to suffer separation from loved ones. Rahu also brings blame to your personal character.   

Virgo (Aug. 22-Sept. 21): 
Your chart shows the planets as follows: Saturn is first, Mercury and Venus eighth, and Mars stays 11th.  Your love relations will be soured, but your efficiency will increase and there will be mental peace.  Do not jump for any monetary plan but get a full checkup before you start.

Libra (Sept. 22-Oct. 21):
Rahu is third, Jupiter fifth and your ruler, Venus, stays seventh.  This  will be a good week one in all respects and your plans will be duly executed.  Emphasis is on your fifth house, which rules entertainment and romance. You will receive highest success in cultivating ties with the younger people.

Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 21):
Rahu stays second, Jupiter is fourth and Mars, your ruler, stays ninth; hence you will pass good time with family.  Compromise is possible in long-standing disputes, if any. Be careful during the week as some kind of injury is possible. 

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):
Rahu is in the first house, Jupiter, your ruler, remains in third house. Saturn is in tenth. As shown by Jupiter, if there is any problem connected with finances or emotional life, it will be over very soon. Avoid any irritable talk and heed to spouse’s advice in your financial and health matters.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan.19):
Jupiter is second, the Sun is third, Saturn is ninth and Mars stays seventh.  It is necessary that you should drive vehicles with care.  Your health house falls under unkind influence of Mercury.  Avoid any kind of surgery during the week and cast off too much thinking.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): 
Jupiter is in your first house, Saturn, your ruler, stays eighth and Mars is in your sixth house.  Romance blooms due to Venus and you will remain in a pleasant wavelength with the spouse and  other loved ones.  Children will need your emotional support.

Pisces (Feb.19-March 19):
The Sun is in the first house, Jupiter, your ruler, is 12th and Venus is in second house.  Jupiter helps you to defeat your rivals.  An emotional bond would be created by a friend with a loving approach.  Your family sphere provides solace and support.

Dr. C.L. Shastri, a well-known Sanskrit scholar and educationist from Gujarat, guides the community in religious and cultural spheres.  Dr. Shastri is the president of Sanskrit Association in Chicago. He is a popular astrologer with a Ph.D. degree.  He can be reached at 630-422-5078. Please mention your date of birth, time and place.

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