Like flu, endure Covid-19 too, says Trump quoting his own example

Like flu, endure Covid-19 too, says Trump quoting his own example

United States President Donald Trump. (Photo: White House/IANS)

Trump’s critics blame that Trump had been careless and, with his carefree attitude, he is spreading the disease to his colleagues and staff in the White House. Nonetheless Trump gives a damn to such “baseless” talks and revels on his “victory” over the deadly pandemic. He advises people to endure Covid-19 as “we endure flu.” By J.V. Lakshmana Rao US President Donald Trump, who is seeking second term in office, is lucky and a blessed person. Trump, who was tested Covid-19 positive on October 2,was discharged on October 4, after his “dramatic” recovery from the scary pandemic. His affliction and his quick recovery have become a bone of contention, with some people casting doubts about his “real” sickness. But his critics blame that Trump had been careless and, with his carefree attitude, he is spreading the disease to his colleagues and staff in the White House. Nonetheless Trump gives a damn to such “baseless” talks and revels on his “victory” over the deadly pandemic. He advises people to endure Covid-19 as “we endure flu.” After spending three nights in Walter Reed Military Hospital, where he was treated for the symptoms of Coronavirus affliction and emerging out of it “triumphantly,” he flashed a thumbs-up to watchfully waiting media persons. He quickly flew in a waiting presidential helicopter, reached the White House, climbed steps and reached the mansion’s second floor balcony. Soon, he shed his mask, put it in his jacket pocket, and flashed once again double thumbs-up. This he has done apparently gasping because he climbed the steps with his left-over symptom of the ailment. As if to prove his fitness, Trump on October 5 tweeted: “Flu season is coming up. Many people every year, sometimes over 100,000 – despite the vaccine – die from the flu. Are we going to close down our country? No, we have learned to live with it, just like we are learning to live with Covid-19 in most populations, being far less lethal.” As a follow-up of his tweet, in a separate video, Trump claimed that he had set an example as how to beat the Coronavirus. Reveling over his success, he said: “As your leader, I had to do that I knew there was danger to it, but I had to do it. I stood out front. I led. Nobody that is a leader would not do what I did… I am better and maybe I am immune… I do not know.” Following the example of Trump, some of his aides and associates, including some from his press team have been wantonly overlooking the mask mandates and social distancing much to the annoyance of some of the White House staff and White House media corps. Trump’s “pronouncements” and “daring act” have been severely criticized by media persons, pandemic experts and political rivals, who have been appalled at the sight of the President taking off his mask and posing for campaign photographs while the White House staff are left exposed to the pandemic. Though he is expected to be contagious for at least 10 more days, Trump confirmed his determination through a tweet. He said that he would resume his poll campaign and participate in the forthcoming Presidential debate. He said: “I am looking forward to the debate on the evening of Thursday, October 15 in Miami.” Referring to a latest survey by a popular television network that Trump is trailing behind Biden by 16 points – 57-41, Trump said: “We will be on the campaign trail. The fake news (survey) only shows fake polls. On October 2, soon after two days of his participation in in the stormy September 29 Presidential debate, Trump announced that the First Lady Melania and he were diagnosed as Covid-19 positive. The Americans and also the people the world over have been apprehensive about the next two Presidential debates and the Presidential election scheduled for November 3. The same day (October 2), Trump was flown and admitted to the Walter Reed Military Hospital as doctors there found him developing a low-grade fever, congestion, cough and difficulty in breathing. But on October 4, the doctors said he was doing well and joking and that “he is ready to walk out of here today.” According to the reports on October 2, Trump and the First Lady tested positive for the Coronavirus, a development that is likely to affect his hectic election campaign just weeks before the Presidential polls. Trump himself announced: … “We will get begin our quarantine and recovery process and immediately. We will get through this together.” Consequently, Trump had to cancel a week-end rally in Florida, a key swing state, and a tour of Wisconsin, which was scheduled to follow. In the intervening period of October 2-4, following the announcement of Trump was “not well,” some world leaders expressed their concern and wished him and the First Lady an early recovery. Prime Minister Narendra Modi wished Trump and the First Lady a quick recovery. Vladimir Putin of Russia, Angela Merkel of Germany and some other world leaders also expressed similar sentiments. Thoughts went wild in the US and also all over the world, about what could be the consequences if sitting 74-year-old Trump, who was in the highest-risk category, developed serious complications from the disease and how long he would be hospitalized. White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows said that Trump’s condition on October 2 was far worse than was publicly acknowledged. But on October 4, Meadows added: “He (Trump)has made unbelievable improvement from yesterday (October 3) morning, when I know a number of us, the doctor and I, were very much concerned… He had a fever, and his oxygen level had dropped rapidly. Yet in a typical style, this President was up and walking around.” With a sense of elation after the discharge from the hospital of the President, Meadows said there was never a risk that Trump would have to hand over power to Vice President Mike Penance. Same sentiment was expressed by White House doctor Sean Conley, who said that Trump had made substantial progress since diagnosis and remained fever-free and off supplemental oxygen. Dr. Conley said that he would continue his observation on the President in between doses of Remdesivir, closely monitoring his clinical status while fully supporting his conduct of Presidential duties. Trump himself said that he was feeling much better and thanked the American people and global leaders for their support.

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