Funds raised in aid of handicapped kids Tributes to legendary playback singer Ghantasala in US cities

Funds raised in aid of handicapped kids Tributes to legendary playback singer Ghantasala in US cities


By Ravi R. Ponangi
Vegesna Foundation of Hyderabad, India, working for the rehabilitation of extremely poor and physically-challenged Indian children is currently touring different cities across America celebrating its 22 years of services to disabled. Vegesna Foundation is helping poor and physically-handicapped, mentally-retarded, hearing-impaired and blind children in Andhra Pradesh since 1988 with the goal of enabling them to live a productive and dignified life.

On the occasion of 22nd anniversary of the Vegesna Foundation, Vamsee Ramaraju, managing trustee, Dr. Chitten Raju Vanguri, US Coordinator, and two lead singers Bala Kameswara Rao, well known as “Apara Ghantasala” and the internationally reputed singer Surekha Murthy, are currently touring several cities in the United States and organizing “2010 Ghantasala Aradhanotsavalu,”  a music program designed as a tribute to legendary singer Ghantasala. They began the tour by presenting their very first music performance in Houston on September 25. The celebrations will be held in different cities across America. Last program will  be held in Charloette, NC, on December 5. “Ghantasala Aradhanotsavalu” have already been held in Houston, Denver, Albuquerque, Indianapolis, Ft. Wayne, Portland, Seattle, Salt lake City, Midland, New Jersey, Phoenix, Albany and Buffalo. Celebrations were a roaring success in terms of high quality singing, mainly because of the tremendous enthusiasm and selfless service shown by the organizers in each city. They will be visiting Chicago, Atlanta, Birmin-gham, Tallahassee, Jackson, Detroit, Poukupse, Wilmin-gton, Minneapolis, San Antonio, Dallas and Charloette.

Ghantasala was a legendary playback singer in the Telugu film industry. Ghantasala lives in the hearts of Telugu people who are fond of good music. His songs are eternal and memorable. He brought the Telugu music to the countries like America, Germany, Britain, Canada, and France by holding his music concerts there.

“2010 Ghantasala Aradha-notsavalu,” musical performances in various cities of the US serve  as awareness campaign about Vegesna foundation to tell Non-Resident Indians about the foundation’s work and to reach out to them and showcase India’s rich musical traditions. Events entitled, “2010 Ghantasala Aradhanotsavalu,”  are extra special since it was for a great humanitarian cause — helping the physically challenged children of Vegesna Foundation   of Hyderabad ( 

The foundation is helping physically-challenged individuals by rehabilitating them. The foundation provides education, vocational training in tailoring, embroidery, printing, computers, music and yoga. It helps them to become self-sufficient in some way to lead a normal life. Its services are applauded and supported at all levels in the society in India and abroad.

All the proceeds of this tour are for supporting the activities of Vegesna Foundation. A great idea to combine the fundraising effort with that of the celebration of the contributions of great singers of India is receiving many accolades in all cities where ever the group goes. During the musical presentation, the foundation is showing a video of stories and emphasize that the Foundation actually came into existence with the                  contributions of NRIs. These musical concerts are providing an opportunity to the local artists to sing songs in every city.

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