'Change is coming that hasn't happened in 100 years and we're driving it': Xi's parting message to Putin

'Change is coming that hasn't happened in 100 years and we're driving it': Xi's parting message to Putin

'Change is coming that hasn't happened in 100 years and we're driving it': Xi's parting message to Putin. -- IANS

London, March 23 (IANS) China's President Xi Jinping told a grinning Vladimir Putin 'change is coming' in an ominous parting message as he departed Moscow following talks with his Russian counterpart, the media reported. "Change is coming that hasn't happened in 100 years. And we are driving this change together," Xi told Putin via his interpreter - words sure to set alarm bells ringing in the West, Daily Mail reported. "Please, take care, dear friend," he added, gripping Putin's hand warmly before being waved off by the Russian President who bid Xi a "safe journey". After the two leaders hailed a "new era", Xi's plane left Moscow's Vnukovo airport on Wednesday. He was seen off by a guard of honour who played the Russian and Chinese national anthems, Russia's RIA Novosti news agency said. In February 2022, the pair announced they had forged a "no limits" friendship and Putin invited Xi to visit the Russian capital. They have since publicly talked of strengthening their "special relationship", with Moscow and Beijing both rejecting what they say are US attempts to create a "unipolar world" controlled by Washington. Xi finally met Putin at the Kremlin yesterday, with both leaders appearing keen to promote their positive relations. They signed a series of memorandums and agreements designed to boost bilateral co-operation on a number of issues, and were pictured coiffing champagne together in the Kremlin's Palace of the Facets as Xi invited his Russian counterpart to visit China later this year, Daily Mail reported.

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