June 21, 2024 | ePaper | SignIn


Trade deficit may be in range of $100-110 billion by March-end: Report

MUMBAI: The country's trade deficit which improved by 25 per cent in the first nine months of financial year 2016-17 compared to last year, is likely...

Country’s unsung heroes share Padma honors with celebrities this year

New Delhi: In a much-pruned Padma Awards list announced this year, the government awarded the Padma Vibhushan to political leaders cutting across affiliations - including...

We are a nation of ‘argumentative’, not ‘intolerant’ Indians: Prez on R-Day eve

New Delhi: President Pranab Mukherjee on January 25 insisted that India's pluralism and her social, cultural, linguistic and religious diversity are the greatest strength of...

India as a Republic cannot function according to dictator’s whims: Rahul on Modi

New Delhi: In a veiled attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Rahul Gandhi on January 25 said India becoming a Republic on January 26, 1950...

Mulayam Singh Yadav under ‘house arrest’, alleges Lok Dal chief

Lucknow: Claiming support of Samajwadi Party patron Mulayam Singh Yadav in the Uttar Pradesh Assembly polls, Lok Dal national president Sunil Singh on Tuesday...

Under Rajiv Gandhi, India was ready with hydrogen bomb to counter Pakistan’s nukes

NEW DELHI: India under Rajiv Gandhi made preparations in 1985 to test a hydrogen bomb in response to Pakistan’s nuclear programs, recently released US documents showed. Concerned about...

Political parties received Rs 7,833 crore funding from unknown sources in 11 years: Report

NEW DELHI: Political parties received Rs 7,833 crore funding from unknown sources between 2004-05 and 2014-15, which is 69 per cent of their total income, with...

Supreme Court dismisses petition seeking postponement of Union Budget ahead of state polls

New Delhi: The Supreme Court today dismissed a petition which sought postponement of the Union Budget from February 1 on the grounds of upcoming Assembly elections...

1.42 lakh rail safety staff posts vacant across India

Hyderabad: The derailment of the Hirakhand Express comes in close succession to at least four similar train mishaps across the country in the recent past. Weeks...

Hong Kong withdraws visa-free facility for Indians

Beijing: In a setback to Indian travelers, Hong Kong, a special administrative region of China, has withdrawn the visa-free facility for Indians who will have...