YOUR STARS – May 3 – May 16

Aries (March 21 – April 19): Saturn, the lord of your 10th and 11th house of Sun horoscope in retrograde motion from April 29 through September 18 may slow down your progress in business, profession and job related matters. Your progress may not be halted but you may experience some road blocks. Politicians and social workers should work hard to maintain their status. Your domestic affairs may get disturbed for small and unimportant reasons. You may lose your mental peace during this cycle of Saturn. Please stay calm and sober. Please avoid extra efforts and risks. From April 29 through August 10, both Jupiter and Saturn will be less favorable, so please pass this time carefully. Moon cycle from May 3 to 12 will prove lucky for finance, travelling and entertainment.
Taurus (April 20 – May 21): Saturn, the owner of your ninth and 10th house of your Sun horoscope in retrograde motion till September 18 may slow down your communications, religious activities and foreign affairs. You may also see some slow progress in business, profession and job related progress. Your overall progress may be slow in above matters but it will not be halted. Your immigration matters may be delayed till this date. Jupiter and Saturn both will be retrograde from April 29 through August 10, so please pass this time with patience and perseverance. Please do not take any extra risks in above matters. Your short term travel and your social ties may touch lower points. Moon cycle from May 2 to 14 will prove lucky in general.
Gemini (May 22 – June 21): Saturn, the owner of your eighth and ninth house of Sun horoscope will be in retrograde motion till September 18 may make you work hard for lesser gain. You may find your daily routine with some difficult situation beyond your control. Please take care of your health without any delay and negligence. Your financial progress may be very slow and you may have to readjust your financial priorities. Jupiter and Saturn both will be retrograde from April 29 through August 10, so please stay calm and sober. Please work hard and do not make any changes in your daily routine. Moon cycle from May 7 to 16 will prove lucky for personal progress, domestic affairs and entertainments.
Cancer (June 22 – July 21): Saturn, the owner of your seventh and eighth house of Sun horoscope in retrograde motion till September 18 may create some unhappiness and misunderstandings in your family and marriage affairs. Your partnership business may see some slow progress. Please do not make any important decisions in above matters till this cycle is over. Your end results will be happy and harmonious after that date. You may see some slow progress in your personal affairs and personal progress. Please take care of your health and do not neglect any small problems. From April 29 to August 10 both Jupiter and Saturn will be less favorable, so please pass this time carefully without making any extra efforts. Moon cycle from May 9 to 16 will prove lucky for personal progress, finance and short term travel.
Leo (July 22 – Aug. 21): Saturn, the owner of your sixth and seventh house of your Sun horoscope in retrograde motion till September 18 may caution you to take care of your health with due care and diligence. Your business, profession and job related progress may slow down to certain extent till that date. Your competitors and enemies may trouble you occasionally. Please stay calm and sober in family and marriage life. Please do not make any important decisions during this period for family and marriage affairs. Jupiter and Saturn both will be retrograde from April 29 through August 10 may create some health and finance problems. Please pass this time with little or no changes in your basic routine. Moon cycle from May 3 to 8 will prove lucky in general.
Virgo (Aug. 22 – Sept.21): Saturn, the owner of your fifth and sixth house of your sun horoscope in retrograde motion till September 18 may slow down your entertainment and investment activities till that date. People connected with any and all types of entertainment business may see slow progress and some financial losses. Please do not take any risks in stock market activities. Your health should be your top priorities during this transit. Please avoid competitors and enemies very tactfully. Jupiter and Saturn both will be retrograde from April 29 through August 10, so please pass this time in your normal routine. Please do not take any financial risks. Please do not lose your mental peace over small and unimportant matters. Moon cycle from May 4 to 10 will prove lucky for religion, business and social affairs.
Libra (Sept. 22 – Oct. 22): Saturn, the owner of your fourth and fifth house of your Sun horoscope moving in retrograde motion till September 18 may create some discord in domestic affairs and you may lose your mental peace occasionally for small and unimportant reasons. Please stay calm and sober to avoid aggravation. Please be wise and selective in your stock market and other investments. You may not enjoy social parties during this cycle of Saturn. People connected with any and all types of entertainment business may see some slow progress. Jupiter and Saturn both will be retrograde from April 29 through August 10, so please pass this time with peaceful mind without any extra efforts. Moon cycle from May 7 to 12 will prove lucky in general.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21): Saturn, the owner of your third and fourth house of your Sun horoscope travelling in retrograde motion till September 18 may cause some disruption in short term travel, communications and your social ties. Please avoid miscommunications and misunderstandings with relatives during this period. Please also stay calm and sober in domestic affairs. Your foreign affairs and other immigration matters may get delayed during this cycle. Please be wise and frugal in financial matters. Jupiter and Saturn both will be retrograde from April 29 through August 10 may cause some financial and social problems. Please use your practical judgment and common sense to solve your problems and also try to minimize your losses. Moon cycle from May 9 to 14 will prove lucky in general.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec.22): Saturn, the owner of your Sun horoscope going in retrograde motion till September 18 may slow down your financial progress and you will have to rearrange your financial priorities for your own benefits. Your short term travel, communications and social relationships may touch lower level. Your personal progress and personally affairs will slowly but surely move in positive direction. Please be watchful for your health during this period. Jupiter and Saturn both will be retrograde from April 29 through August 10, so please pass this time with careful planning and consideration for your personal health and finance. Moon cycle from May 11 and 16 will prove lucky for religion, business and social affairs.
Capricorn (Dec. 23 – Jan. 19): Saturn, your sign lord and owner of your first and second house of Sun horoscope in retrograde motion till September 18 may slow down your personal progress and personal affairs. You may feel depressed and it may create gloomy mood occasionally till that date. Your financial progress may slow down. Please do not take any risks in financial matters. Please avoid all stock market ventures. You may find some discord and differences in your family and marriage life. Your partnership business may see some slow progress. From April 29 through August 10 both Jupiter and Saturn will be retrograde, so please pass this time with due care and diligence. Please do not make extra efforts and take any risks in financial and personal matters. Moon cycle from May 3 to May 5 will prove lucky for domestic affairs and entertainments.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18): Saturn, your sign lord and also owner of your 12th house of your Sun horoscope in retrograde motion till September 18 may create unwanted problems and aggravation in your daily routine. Please avoid and differ all legal problems till that date. Please watch your expenses to avoid financial difficulties. Please stay away from low authorities. You may see some slowdown in your personal progress and personal affairs. Please watch your health and do not be careless for any health problems. From April 29 through August 10, Jupiter and Saturn both will be retrograde and you may go through hard time and difficulties. Please be stay calm and sober to pass this time. Please take proper advise from expert to avoid all problems. Moon cycle from May 3 to 8 will prove lucky for short term travel, domestic affairs and entertainment.
Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20): Saturn, the owner of your 11th and 12th house of your Sun horoscope in retrograde motion till September 18 may slow down your gains through friends and social circles. People connected with any all types of hospitality business should work hard to maintain their income level. Please avoid all legal matters till September 18. Please stay away from law authorities. Your kid’s progress may not touch your expectations. Jupiter and Saturn both will be retrograde from April 29 through August 10, so please be content with your progress. Please do not make any extra efforts for finance or other progress. Moon cycle from May 3 to 10 will prove lucky for finance, domestic affairs and entertainment.

BY NITIN BHATT :: / 630-660-8470

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