Your Stars : July 12 – July 25

Aries (March 21 – April 19) Full Moon falling in your 10th house on July 16 will accelerate your business, profession and job related progress till August 1. Politicians and social workers will have busy and profitable schedule. Good time to elevate your social status. Mars and Sun combination will help you in your social and entertainment schedule till August 23. Good time for stock market and other investments. Good time for people connected with entertainment business. Venus will keep your domestic affairs happy and harmonious till July 29. You will feel mentally relaxed till this time. Your communications, foreign affairs and religious affairs will move slowly but surely till August 10. Moon cycle from July 13 through 19 will prove lucky in general.
Taurus (April 20 – May 21) Venus controlling your third house till July 29 will help you enjoy short term travel, communications and good bonding with your relatives. You will gain through business as well as fun related travel during this period. You may feel luck smiling on you occasionally. Sun and Mars will keep domestic affairs under lucky stars till August 23. Please avoid aggravations for small and unimportant matters. Jupiter may caution you to take care of your health till August 10. Saturn will keep your overall progress slow but certain. Good time to undertake religious project or higher study before the year is out. Moon cycle from July 15 through 22 will prove lucky in general.
Gemini (May 22 – June 21) Venus in your second house till July 29 will create extra opportunities for your financial success. Please be wise and calculative in your financial affairs to take full advantage of this lucky cycle. Sun will help you in short term travel, communications and good bonding with relatives till August 23. Good time to patch up strained relationships with your relatives. Good time for family vacation. Saturn may make you work hard during this year. Please take care of your health. People suffering from joint and arthritis pain should take extra care of their health till September 13. Moon cycle from July 18 to 22 will prove lucky in general.
Cancer (June 22 – July 21) Full Moon falling in your seventh house on July 16 will bring family and marriage happiness in fore front till August 1. Good time for partnership business. Good time to patch up bad relationships. Mars and Sun will keep your finances in good shape till August 23. You will be able to pay off your debt with positive cash flow. Please be courteous to other people in your responses. Venus in your first house till July 29 may create laziness in your daily routine. Please be watchful about your weight. Jupiter will keep your enemies at arm length. Please do not make any important decision regarding family and marriage from august 1 to September 13. Moon cycle from July 20 through 22 will prove lucky in general.
Leo (July 22 – Aug.21) Sun, your sign Lord entering in your first house from July 22 through August 23 will help you in your personal affairs and personal progress. Please take good advantage of this lucky cycle. Please avoid aggravation for small and unimportant matters. Venus in 12th house till July 29 may drain heavily on your pocket. Please budget your expenses to avoid negative financial cycle. Jupiter will keep your health in good shape if you do your part. Please be careful about stock market and other investments till August 10. Saturn will keep your enemies and competitors in good check for the balance of this year. Moon cycle from July 12 to 19 will prove lucky for domestic affairs and entertainments.
Virgo (Aug.22 – Sept.21) Venus staying in your 11th house till July 29 to help you gain through friends and family circles. People connected with hospitality business will benefit through this lucky position of Venus. Venus is considered very strong in this position and should be able to create very powerful cycle for your benefits. Sun will stay in your 12th house till August 23 cautions you to budget your expenses very carefully. Please avoid all legal problems till that date. Jupiter will help you control your domestic affairs slowly but surely till August 10. Please be wise and selective in your stock market and other investments till the balance of this year. Moon cycle from July 12 through 17 will prove lucky for travelling, domestic affairs and entertainments.
Libra (Sept.22 – Oct.22) Full Moon falling in your fourth house on July 16 will bring domestic affairs under lucky stars and you will enjoy good amount of mental peace. People connected with real estate business will have busy and profitable schedule. Your elderly family members will enjoy good health. Venus will keep your business, profession and job related progress in good shape till July 29. Good time to take extra risks in above matters. Mars and Sun will help you to gain through friends and social circles till August 23. People connected with hospitality business will flourish during this period. Moon cycle from July 12 through 19 will prove lucky for finance, short term travel and entertainments.
Scorpio (Oct.23 – Nov.21) Mars and Sun combination in your 10th house should prove very lucky for your business, profession and job related progress till August 23. Good time to take extra risks and responsibilities in above matters till that date. Politicians and social workers will have busy and profitable schedule. Your social status will be elevated. Venus will keep luck smiling on you till July 29. You may hear good news from overseas relatives. You may end up buying big ticket items. Jupiter will keep financial progress slow but certain till August 10. Saturn will keep family bond in good shape till end of this year. Moon cycle from July 12 through 22 will prove lucky for finance, travelling and entertainments.
Sagittarius (Nov.22 – Dec.22) Mars and Sun combination in your ninth house till August 23 will prove lucky for communications, religion and foreign affairs for you. Your immigration matters will bring happy endings. Your religious projects may bring desired results and fundings. Venus may make you work hard for lesser gain till July 29. You may not enjoy social parties. Please watch your weight for the balance of this year. Your overall progress will be slow but certain till August 10. Your financial progress may be slow till September 23. Please avoid extra risks in financial matters to avoid losses. Moon cycle from July 13 through 22 will prove lucky for personal progress, finance and domestic affairs.
Capricorn (Dec.23 – Jan.19) Full Moon falling in your first house on July 16 will prove lucky for personal affairs and personal progress till August 1. Good time to rearrange your priorities for optimum results. You will experience fewer obstacles in your daily routine. Venus will keep your family and conjugal affairs under lucky stars till July 29. Good time to tie knots with your loved ones. Good and lucky time for partnership business. Mars and Sun combination caution you to take care of your health till August 23. You may have to work hard for lesser gain. Your spouse’s finance will show positive cash flow. Moon cycle from July 15 through 22 will prove lucky for personal progress, finance and short term travel.
Aquarius (Jan.20 – Feb.18) Mars and Sun combination in your seventh house will bring happy and joyous events in your family and marriage life. Sun is very powerful by sing and house and should be able to create very powerful cycle for your happiness. Good time for partnership business. Good time to tie knots with your loved ones. Venus may caution you to take care of your health till July 29. Please be wise and selective in your eating and drinking habits in social parties. People suffering from diabetes should take extra care of their health. Jupiter will keep showering social benefits through friends and family circles slowly but surely till August 10. Please control your expenses for the balance of this year. Moon cycle July 18 through 22 will prove lucky for personal progress and finance.
Pisces (Feb.19 – March 20) A very powerful and auspicious position of Venus in your fifth house till July 29 will keep your social calendar full of happy and joyous events. Good time for stock market and other investments. People connected with any and all types of entertainment business with flourish during this period. Sun and Mars caution you to take care of your health till August 23. Please do not be careless about your health. Your business, profession and job related progress will be average to good. Please do not take any extra risks and responsibilities in above matters till August 10. Your gain through friends and social circles will be slow but certain for the rest of this year. Moon cycle from July 12 through 17 will prove lucky in general.

BY NITIN BHATT :: :: Ph. # 630-660-8470

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